

第1个回答  2022-11-11
Spouses are a bigger source of stress than bosses
research shows. There may be no place like home
but if you want to relax then you might be better off at work
according to the survey.

The poll of 3
000 men and women also found that hu *** ands are more likely to send their wives' blood pressure soaring than the other way round. Overall
58 percent of those surveyed said their spouse or partner was among those who put them under pressure.
同时,这项由3000名男女参与的投票也表明,与其他因素相比,丈夫们反而更容易让他们的妻子血压飙升。总体来讲,58%的受访者表示自己的另一半是压力的来源 之一。
Just 43 percent said the same of their manager. And 18 per cent of women said their partner added a lot of stress to their life – pared with just 12 per cent of men.
Cary Cooper
professor of health psychology at Lancaster University
said it appeared that people were taking their work troubles home with them.
Fears about job losses during the recession are likely to be making matters worse. He said: 'One coping strategy people have when they are feeling insecure is to take it out on their spouses.'

'One of the causes of stress is the long hours culture. If you consistently put in long hours
it will damage your health and also your relationship at home.'
The professor added that juggling family duties and a career can mean that women are under more stress than men. However
they cope with it better
mainly because they find it easier to talk to others about their feelings.
The poll
by electronics and healthcare manufacturer Philips
also found that women worry more about their weight than their earnings. Almost half said their weight was very important to their health and wellbeing
pared to 27 per cent who said the same about their salary.
Women were also ice as likely to worry about the effect of obesity on their future health than the impact of high cholesterol or even cancer. Just 36 per cent of men thought their weight was very important to their health and wellbeing
while 33 per cent said it had more to do with wages.
Those polled were optimistic about the future
with almost half believing they will outlive the average life expectancy of 79. Three per cent expect to reach 100
with many believing that by the time they get seriously ill
advances in medical technology will provide the cure.
