


  [1]Losing weight is hard enough. Keeping it off is even harder. Now a new study by researchers at Penn State suggests that the techniques that work for losing weight aren’t necessarily the same as those that help keep you slim.

  [2]First the researchers surveyed over 1,100 people who had achieved significant weight loss and maintained it. The researchers identified 36 weight-loss and weight-maintenance practices that at least10% of the group used.

  [3]Then the researchers conducted a national telephone survey of overweight people who had tried to lose weight and keep it off with different success: about 11% reported successfully losing weight, and 21% were able to maintain that loss for at least a year.

  [4]The survey found people whodid so by participating in weight loss programs, cutting back on sugar, eating healthy snacks, not skipping meals and participating in different types of exercise.

  [5]Still, say many nutrition and obesity experts. The basic principles of weight loss and maintenance are the same; you have to eat a healthy diet and increase your exercise. People who lose weight and keep it off tend to eat significantly healthier foods and do a lot more exercise than the average American.

  [6]But what may maintain between weight-loss and maintenance is a person’s attitude; rather than focusing on actively losing weight in the short term. People have to start focusing on long-term, permanent lifestyle changes and behaviors, if they want to maintain the weight that’s been lost. The key to success, experts agree, is motivation, not necessarily the particulars of your weight-loss program.

  1. What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 8 words)


  2. Complete the following statement with words from the text. (no more than 5 words)

  If people want to keep, they have to pay attention to the lifestyle changes and the behaviors.

  3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)


  4. What do experts say about weight loss and maintenance? (no more than 10 words)


  5. What does the word “those” (line 2, paragraph 1) refer to?(no more than 3 words)


第1个回答  2012-12-18
我只会翻译啊 1]减肥是很难的。保持它更难。现在,一项新的研究的研究人员在宾夕法尼亚州表明,技术工作减肥不一定相同,帮助你保持苗条。[ 2 ]研究人员首先调查了1100人谁取得了显着减肥和保持它。研究人员发现36个减肥和体重维修的做法,至少10 %的组使用。[ 3 ],然后研究人员进行了一次全国电话调查的超重的人谁曾试图减肥和保持它关闭不同的成功:约11%的减肥成功,和21%的人能够保持损失至少一一年。[ 4 ]调查发现,人们谁参加减肥计划,减少糖,吃健康的零食,不吃饭,参与不同类型的演习。[ 5 ],许多营养和肥胖专家说。基本原则的重量损失和维修是相同的;你必须吃健康的饮食和增加锻炼。人谁减肥和保持它关闭往往吃着健康的食物和做更多的运动比美国平均水平。[ 6 ]但是可以保持减肥和保养是一个人的态度;而不是着眼于积极减重在短期内。人们开始着眼于长远,永久改变生活方式和行为,如果他们想保持体重的丢失。成功的关键,专家同意,是动力,不一定知道你的减肥计划。
第2个回答  2012-12-18
1.How to keep the weight off
2.They have to pay attention to the lifestyle changes and the behavior
3.lost weight successfully
4.We have to eat a healthy diet and increase exercise