
Research shows a close relation between reading speed and understanding that in most cases an increase in rate 1)
an increase in comprehension and a decrease in rate brought decreased comprehension with it. However, simply speeding the rate especially through forced 2)
may actually result in making the real reading problem more 3)
. The obvious solution, then, is to increase rate as a part of a total 4)
of the whole reading process. Then how?

You can prepare for maximum increase in rate by establishing 5)
habits, such as avoiding rereading and whispering while reading, learning to adjust reading rate to increase comprehension.

Rate adjustment may be overall adjustment, or internal adjustment within an article. As an 6)
, imagine that you plan to take a 100-mile mountain trip in three hours, averaging about 35 miles an hour. This is your overall rate adjustment. However, in actual driving you may slow down to 15 miles per hour on some curves, while 7)
to 50 miles per hour on relatively straight sections. This is your internal rate adjustment.

Poor results are inevitable if the reader 8)
use the same rate for all types of material and for all reading purposes. A good reader adjusts his / her reading rate from article to article, or even within a given article. So you need to 9)
a good reading habit by daily training until a flexible reading rate becomes 10)
to you.

第1个回答  2019-12-21
第2个回答  2019-12-20

    was accompanied by






    speeding up

    attempts to


    second nature
