

第1个回答  2014-01-10
一、一般现在时态指经常性发生的动作或状态,标志词一般有every......., often, usually, always, never, sometimes.
在这种时态中,我们应该注意的 是动词的第三人称单数形式,即当主语是I和you之外的所有的单数时,(如:1、he,she ,it 2、his/her father/mother/brother/sister/teacher......., 3、Daming,Sam,Amy,Lingling等人名 4、the cat/dog/tree/girl......等物或人)动词变三单形式一般有以下几种规则:
1、一般的在末尾直接加“s”2、以“s,x.ch,sh”结尾的,在末尾加“es”。如:watches,washes.3、以“辅音字母加y”结尾的,变“y”为“i”,再加“es”。如: fly—flies,(注意:有些单词是“元音字母加y”结尾,就直接加 s 如:plays, says.) 4、还有一些不规则变化的动词,如do—does go—goes have—has 例句:she/he plays table tennis everyday. Lingling sometimes watches TV . Xiaoyong often washes dishes. Daming’s father always walks to work. Sam’s mother never goes to work by bus.
1、指此时此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作或状态。标志词一般有now, it’s...o’clock, look, listen. 2、介绍照片或图画上的人物在干什么在这种时态中,我们要用“be+Ving(动词的现在分词形式)”结构来表达。(be包括 am, is ,are)动词变现在分词一般有以下几种规则:1、一般的,直接在末尾加“ing”.如:watching, sleeping,playing,going2、以不发音的字母“e”结尾的,去“e”加“ing”,如:dance-dancing write -writing ride -riding have -having,但是有些单词末尾的“e”发音,就要直接加“ing”,如see -seeing3、一重读闭音节结尾的,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加“ing”,如:put-putting shop-shopping run-running begin-beginning swim -swimming sit-sitting例句:He/She is playing basketball now. It’s half past six,Li Ping is doing her homework. Look, they are reading books. Listen, the girl is singing . I am swimming in this photo.

指将来要发生的动作或状态。标志词一般有someday,tomorrow,the day after tomorrow(后天), next.....(week/month/year) 在这种时态中,我们用到的结构是:1、be going to+动词原形 2、will+动词原形例句:I am going to go to the park tomorrow. He/She is going to ride a horse next week. They are going to visit Hainan someday. It will be sunny/windy tomorrow. It will rain/snow tomorrow Daming and I will go shopping tomorrow.
指过去发生的动作或状态。标志词一般有:yesterday, last.....(week/month/year....), when he/she was ...years old.
在这种时态中,动词要用过去式。 动词变过去式一般有以下规则: 1、一般的在末尾直接加“ed”。 2、以“e”结尾的,只加“d”就可以了。 3、以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变“y”为“i”再加“ed”。 4、不规则变化。如:do-did has/have-had go-went run-ran meet-met ride-rode tell-told write-wrote am/is-was are-were lose-lost buy-bought swim-swam take-took send-sent sit-sat eat-ate
1、后面跟动词原形的词有:can, let, will, be going to, shall,want to,助动词do/does/did2、后面跟动词ing形式的有:am, is, are, like,表示爱好的词,如:...ing is my hobby. go shopping/swimming/sleeping.... do some shopping“购物” 介词for 3、当主语是第三人称单数时,后面的动词不可能是原形。