
Dear wife,
I admit that I did something stupid. I (1)__________ (come)home earlier. I (2)___________ (keep)you worried. I (3)__________ (be)to another woman’s house. I (4)__________ (have)an affair with that woman. I (5)__________ (apologize)to you earlier. I am extremely sorry. I sincerely apologize for my foolish behavior. I swear that I will stop having anything to do with her. I promise that I will love you with all my heart. Could you please forgive me and give me a chance to make up for(弥补)my misbehavior?
Love you, honey.
Your servant,

第1个回答  2018-12-26
冠词:the , a , an
代词:主格he, she, they, it, I, we, you。宾格him, her, them, it, me,us, you
形容词性物主代词:his,her,their,its,my, our,you
名词性物主代词:his, hers, theirs, its, mine, ours, yours。
介词:up,down, off, to, on, in, out, before, after, at, into, from, of等。
连词:and, but, so, because, however, besides, therefore, although, though, as等本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2018-12-26
1.didn't 2. kept 3. was 4.had 5.should apologize
第3个回答  2018-12-26
1 , should have come ; 本来应该早点回家的
2, shouldn't have kept ; 本不应让你担忧
3, have been ; 曾经去过某处
4, had ;
5, should have apologized 本来要早点道谦的