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第1个回答  2010-02-21

1.My reflection of the film Babel(电影《通天塔》)

The story of Babel comes from the Bible, and the film Babel is just a new story which bases on it. However, the film talks about another thing which can make people think about their positions where they are standing on. It was nominated in the selection of the Academy Award last year. Associating with this film’s structure, style and the story itself, I do believe the film Babel can surely have achieved such great success.
In short, the film is divided into four parts: the American couple, the shooter kid, the Japanese girl, the two American children’s nurserymaid brings them to her son’s wedding in Mexico. Each of the stories is close to the other, and the cause of each story is from people’s distrust and misunderstandings.
The American couple is a good representation of the riches. The American occupy 40% gas of this world. They are so rich that they don’t need to worry about their substantial life. Schopenhaue once said, people will never stop pursueing a objective however it is tangible or intangible. When the American have been rich enough, they begin to look forward to satisfying their mental life. Nevertheless, because of their wealth satisfaction, they find themselves more difficult to communicate with others. As a result, they are self-centered and lonely. After being shot, the wife in the film couldn’t believe an old woman in the villiage who was trying to help her. It’s just because of her distrust and prejudice.
In Morocco, the two brothers accidentally shot the American also because of their distrust to each other. They always quarreled. At the beginning of the story, they both wanted to carry the gun which their father bought. Afterwards, the elder brother didn’t believe his brother could shoot as far as 3 miles, but his brother made it. Therefore, what happened next is inevitable.
Let’s see the Japanese girl who is also very affluent, but lacking communications with the other people. She is mute and her mother commited suicide. Without her mother’s tender love, she felt very lonely. Her father didn’t know what his daughter really wanted. Being feeling so doleful and anxious to make friends, she attracted the others by her body. All things she did is due to her eagerness to be understood and her anxiety to communicate with the others.
In this world, there existing discrimination. Most American hold the view that Mexico is a very dangerous place. There’s no exception in this film. A nurserymaid brought two Amrican children to her son’s wedding in Mexico. When they went back to America, they were stopped to take a examination by American police. Both of the policemen and the nurserymaid’ brother were quite nervous. Finally, the nurserymaid’ brother was so feared that he escaped. Although he has done nothing, he knows the American policemen will think he has done something. That’s the distrust from the both sides, which is the root of these misunderstandings.
In a word, communication is very important. Without it, the world cannot run smoothly. Maybe it is due to the diverse languages according to the Bible. However, what really separates people is their different ways of thinking. Only through communications and understanding one another can people get along well.

2.A fable of unimaginable horror
---------my review of “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas”(电影《穿条纹睡衣的男孩》)

Adapted from a popular novel written by an Irish writer John Boyne, the film “The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas” is a Holocaust drama leaded out through the innocent eyes of a young boy.
It’s a story set during World War Two. Bruno, the little hero of this story, is an imaginative eight-year-old son of a Nazi commander. He knows nothing about the fact that his father is in charge of a concentration camp for the Jews. To him, his father is a proud, dedicated soldier who is protecting their country, trying to make it the best place on Earth. His mother, however, knows better, and is promptly upset about what is going on around them.
Bruno discovers a "farm" some distance from their new country house. Being curious and lonely, the naive boy make friends with a Jewish boy named Shmuel who is strangely dressed in striped pyjamas, and he lives behind an electrified fence. However, their friendship is forbidden under the pressure of the contemporary situation.
Too young to know what his father does, Bruno cannot understand many things. He doesn't understand why Shmuel is hungry all the time; He doesn’t understand why their Jewish servant, Pavel, stops being a doctor; He doesn’t understand why Lieutenant Kotler is so mean to the people wearing pyjamas. As he grows attached to his new friend and begins to question the world around him, he realizes there's some secret he can never tell anyone.
The first part of this film is perhaps a little slow, maybe that it part of the idea, too, to give us a sense of the leaden passage of time, before the turning point comes out. Nevertheless, the denouement is really an unexpected and startling consequence. To help Shmuel find his father, Bruno agrees to dress in a set of striped pyjamas to get into the camp. Just when Bruno decides to go home, the Nazis in the area of the camp force the boys to go on a march. Neither boy knows where this march will lead. However, they are soon crowded into a gas chamber, and the author leaves the story with Bruno pondering, yet unafraid, in the dark holding hands with Shmuel.
After watching the film, I sat quietly and couldn’t draw myself out from the deep grief the film brought. The film is so sensible and moving that everytime when the final scene comes up to me, I can’t help feeling frustrated. “This story is dipicted in a very plain way, but it turns out to be a big shock in the end”, as teacher said.
The world in kid’s eyes must be harmonious and peaceful. However, during the wartime, their innocence may eventually lead terrible disaster to them. What can you see behind the war? I see nothing but children’s innocence dies out in the hands of the cruelness of war; I see nothing but children’s happiness fades away attributing to the self-righteous war dominators. You can never imagine how horrible these things are, as the film shows us. It’s not the scene of a bloody struggle with loud shouting and roaring, but I can always hear the silent, weak and vulnerable cry in the back of this film. When I relate the despairing crying made by Bruno’s mother, there seems to be some kind of cold spell floating in my heart. I’m sad. I feel sorry about that.
The film is indeed a good one. Finally, and most importantly, I like it very much.



第2个回答  2010-02-21