《i am yours》 tracy chapman 歌词翻译


第1个回答  推荐于2017-07-19
When all my hopes and dreams 当所有的希望和梦想
Have been betrayed 都已破灭

I stand before you 我站在你的面前

My hands are empty 我的两手空空

I am yours 我是你的

If you are mine 如果你是我的

I am yours If you are mine 如果你是我的,那我也是你的

I fall and stumble 我失落,沮丧

Flat on my face 重重摔倒在地

When I'm shamed and humbled 当我感到羞愧,被贬低

In disgrace 很不讨人喜欢

I am yours

If you are mine

I am yours If you are mine

When voices call me

To question my faith

When misperception

Taints my love with hate

I am yours

If you are mine

I am yours If you are mine

When time decides

It won't stop for me

When the hawks and vultures

Are circling

I am yours

If you are mine I am yours If you are mine本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2015-02-17