

第1个回答  2022-07-10
Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. 

Write at least 250 words. 

Sample answer

Traffic and pollution problems produced by vehicles have become issues that bother both governments and citizens in many major cities across the world.

Recently, some people propose that the best way to cope with this problem is to increase the oil price. I personally believe that pricing is too simple an approach to ease traffic pressure and air contamination. 

Admittedly, raising oil price might be helpful to limit the number of cars to some extent. This is mainly because the higher fuel cost would increase the financial burden on average people and families who have limited disposable income, as well as those who do not have urgent demand for a private car. Under this policy, the general public are very likely to turn to public transport modes which are more affordable, rather than drive on their own for commuting or sightseeing. With less vehicles on the road, the traffic system will run more efficiently and the harmful emissions produced by transport such as CO2 and atmospheric particles will be reduced accordingly.

However, the outcome of the pricing policy could turn in an opposite way. For example,  considering the financial pressure on ordinary people, we can expect huge social complaints after the implementation of this policy,which forces them to spend less in shopping and other sectors that closely related to their quality of life. As a matter of fact, compared with raising the price of oil, approaches such as improving the choices of public transport services and developing eco-friendly energy seem more innovative and sustainable. For example, it is feasible for the government to build more underground systems and sky trains in big cities. If sufficient and more affordable public transportation tools are offered to city dwellers, the reliance on private vehicles will drop significantly. Besides, Once clean energy such as solar power and electric cars were put into use on a large scale, the air contamination could be eased to a large extent.  

In conclusion, pricing is neither the best nor the sole solution to deal with the problem.  More effective methods, ranging from improving transport choices to exploring new energy, are better to be taken by authorities when dealing with traffic and environmental issues. 









people propose that:有人提出...

too simple an approach: 方法太过于简单

pricing/ charging:收费,调价政策 (价格调控)

ease traffic pressure:减缓交通压力

air contamination:空气污染

fuel cost:燃料成本

increase financial burden on sb: 增加…的财务负担

average people and families;普通人,普通家庭

disposable income:可支配收入

less urgent demand:需求不紧急

Turn to: 转向…  ( search for  寻求帮助或办法)


Rather than do: 而不是...

commuting or sightseeing: 通勤或观光

atmospheric  particles:大气颗粒物

social complaints:社会抱怨

the combination of: 结合…(手段,方式)

eco-friendly energy sources:环保型能源

major cities:大城市

it is imperative that:迫在眉睫的是

sustainable and renewable:adj. 可持续,可再生

pollution- free:adj.无污染的,

put sth into use:将…投入使用

higher fuel cost:更高的燃油费

enhance awareness of:加强…的意识。

low-carbon  life:低碳生活

advocate/promote:vt.  倡导