翻译 我认为传统阅读比在线阅读好,因为它更加传统,更加自然,随着社会的发展,在线阅读可以代替传统

翻译 我认为传统阅读比在线阅读好,因为它更加传统,更加自然,随着社会的发展,在线阅读可以代替传统阅读,因为更加方便。

第1个回答  2016-04-09
I think (that) the traditional reading is better than that on line, because it is more traditional and natural. With the development of society / As society develops, the on-line reading can take the place of / substitute the traditioanl.
In my opinion / view, the traditional reading is better than that on line, because it is more traditional and natural. With the social development , the on-line reading can take the place of / substitute the traditioanl.本回答被网友采纳