

第1个回答  2006-10-25
I like dogs a lot, since they are accepted as the honest friend of our humen, take seeing eye dog as a example, it is used to guide the blind people to be able to walk without leading by somebody.

Different dogs have their different appearances, but we all know that they have very sensitive noses, thus smelling week smell. they also have a pair of loyal eyes and lovely ears.

I love them because of their faithfulness and consideration,and do not need any more reasons.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2006-10-26
(My favorite animal-the cat) 1:At the idea of my cat ,I feel frolic. because she is really lovely. 2:when she was brought to my family. she was very little,but very lively.so she went around without any break.A ping-pang ball or a piece of light feather was her favorite toy,she might play with it a whole day.As she grew up,she began to grasp the mice.Once I saw a highlight(精彩场面) of her acting,which made me love her more. 3:now,she is old,often sleeps in the sun.Although she is less lively,she is more lovely.对不起呀,我忘记说外貌了你就自己加一点吧.