求高一 上 英语所有词组

求高一 上 英语所有词组 越齐全越好

第1个回答  2014-03-08
Unit 1
honest adj 诚实的;正直的
brave adj 勇敢的
Loyal adj 忠诚的;忠心的
wise adj 英明的;明智的;聪明的
handsome adj 英俊的;大方的;美观的
smart adj 聪明的;漂亮的;敏捷的
argue vt 争论;辩论
△solution n 解答;解决办法;解决方案
classical adj 古典的;古典文学的
△Steve 史蒂夫(男子名)
fond adj 喜爱的;多情的;喜欢的
fond of 喜欢;爱好
△Sarah n 莎拉;萨拉(女子名)
△Joe 乔(男子名)
match n 火柴
mirror n 镜子
fry vt&vi 油煎;油炸
gun n 炮;枪
hammer n 锤子;槌
saw n&vt&vi 锯
rope n 绳;索;绳索
△compass n 罗盘;指南针
movie n 电影
cast vt&vi 投掷;投射;抛
△Tom Hanks 汤姆·汉克斯(美国男影星)
△Chuck Noland 查克·诺兰德(男子名)
△survive vt 幸免于;从……中生还
vi 幸存
deserted adj 荒芜的;荒废的
hunt vt&vi&n 打猎;猎取;搜寻
hunt for 搜索,追寻;寻找
in order to 为了
△Wilson 威尔逊(男子名)
share vt&vi 分享;共有;分配
n 共享;份额
sorrow n 悲哀;悲痛
care about 担心;关心
feeling n.触觉;知觉;感觉;情绪
such as 例如
airplane n 飞机
△parachute n 降落伞
lie n 谎话;谎言
speech n 演说;讲话;语音
adventure n&vt&vi 冒险;冒险经历
notebook n 笔记本;笔记本式电脑
△scared adj 恐惧的
△e-pal n 网友
△South Carolina 南卡罗来纳州(美国州名)
drop sb a line 给某人写信(通常指写短信〉
△formal adj 正式的;正规的
error n 错误;差错

Unit 2
△Nancy 南希(女子名)
bathroom n 浴室;盥洗室;厕所
make oneself at home 别客气
towel n 毛巾
△landlady n 女房东;老板娘
closet n 壁橱;储藏室
△Karen 卡伦(女子名)
pronounce v 发音;宣告;断言
△Thompson 汤普森(姓氏)
broad adj 宽的
repeat vt&vi 重做;重复;复述
n 重复;反复
△Dave 戴夫(男子名)
△ketchup n 蕃茄酱;蕃茄沙司
majority n 多数;大半
native adj 本国的;本地的
n 本地人;本国人
total n 总数;合计
adj 总的;全部的;整个的
in total 总共
△the United Kingdom 英国
tongue n 舌头;语言;口语
△mother tongue 母语
equal adj 相等的;胜任的
vt 等于;比得上
government n 政府;内阁
situation n 情形;境遇;
△Pakistan n 巴基斯坦(南亚国家)
△Nigeria n 尼日利亚(非洲国家)
△the Philippines 菲律宾共和国;菲律宾群岛
except for 除了……之外
international adj 国际的;世界的
organization n 组织;机构;团体
trade n 贸易;商业
tourism n 旅游;观光
global adj 全球的;球形的
communicate vi 交际;沟通;传达(感情、信息等)
communication n 交流;通讯;通信
exchange vt&n 交换;交流;兑换
service n 服务,服务性工作
signal n 信号
movement n 运动;动作;运转
△peg n 钉;栓;桩
commander n 司令官;指挥官
tidy vt&vi 整理:收拾
adj 整齐的;整洁的
stand n 台;看台;摊,摊位
stay up 不睡,熬夜
come about 发生
independent adj 独立自主的
fall n 秋天;瀑布
expression n 短语;表情
end up with …告终
typhoon n 台风
△tornado n 旋风;龙卷风
△Spanish n 西班牙语;西班牙人
adj 西班牙(人、语)的
△Noah Webster 诺厄·韦伯斯特(美国词典编纂家)
publish vt 发表;出版;公布
southern adj 南方的;南部的
△statement n 陈述;声明;综述
president n 总统;校长;行长;会长
European adj 欧洲的;欧洲人的
bring in 引进;引来
a great many 许许多多;极多
howl vi&n 嚎叫;怒吼;嚎哭
cookbook n 食谱
compare vt 比较
replace vt 替换

Unit 3
consider vt 考虑;照顾;认为
means n 手段;方法
transportation n 运输;运送
board n 上(船、飞机等)
△destination n 目的地
experience vt&n 体验;经历;经验
simply adv 仅仅;只不过;
get away from 逃离
△raft vi 乘筏
n 木筏
vacation n 假期;休假
nature n 自然;自然界;本性
basic adj 基本的
n 基本;要素
equipment n 装备;设备
simple adj 简单的
△backpack n 背包
tip n 指点;忠告;尖端;小费
watch out 注意;当心
△spider n 蜘蛛
poisonous adj 有毒的;有害的;恶毒的
protect sb/sth from 保护、保卫某人(某事物)
△cellphone n 手机
paddle vi 划桨;涉水。vt 用桨划
n 短桨;划桨
stream n 溪;川;流
normal adj 正常的;正规的;标准的
n 正规;常态
excitement n 刺激;兴奋;激动
adventurous adj 喜欢冒险的;充满危险的
handle vt 操作; 处理
n 柄;把手
similarity n 类似;类似处
particular adj 特别的;特殊的
poison n 毒药;毒害
vt&vi 毒害;投毒
separate adj 单独的;分开的
vt 分开;隔离
see sb off 到火车站、飞机场等处为某人送行
eco-travel n 生态旅游
combine vt&vi (使)联合;(使)结合
on the other hand 另一方面
△responsibly adv 负责地
as well as 也;还;而且
task n 任务;作业
△unpack vt&vi 打开(包裹、行李等);卸货

Unit 4
unforgettable adj 难忘的
△seismograph n 地动仪;测震仪
△Howard Carter 霍华德·卡特
king n 国王
△King Tut 图特王(古埃及国王)
host vt 主办或主持某活动
n 主人
△Hank Stram 汉克·斯图拉姆
take place 发生;产生
on fire 失火
scare vt 恐吓 vi 受惊吓
disaster n 灾难;灾祸
finally adv 最后;终于
rescue n &vt 援救;营救
△Flora 弗洛拉(女子名)
△roar n 轰鸣;咆哮;怒号
advance vt& vi 前进;提前
n 前进;提升
upon prep 在……之上
seize vt 抓住;逮住;夺取
swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没
n 吞咽;燕子
drag vt 拖;拖曳
pull sb up 把....往上曳
struggle vi 努力;挣扎;奋斗
n 竞争;努力;奋斗
get on one’s feet 站立起来
fight vi 搏斗;斗争;争吵
f1ow n&vi 流动
fright n 惊骇;吃惊
shake n&vt 震动; 颤抖
vt 摇动;摇
△stair n (阶梯的)一级;楼梯
△boom n 隆隆声
vt&vi 发隆隆声
strike vt&vi 击打;打动
△crack vi 发破裂声;劈啪地响
go through 通过;经受;仔细检查
destroy vt 摧毁;毁坏
tower n 塔;城堡
national adj 国家的;民族的
deadline n 截止时间;最终期限
fear n 害怕;担心
vt&vi 害怕;畏惧
opportunity n 机会;时机
on holiday 在度假
△Kevin 凯文(男子名)
article n 文章;论文
△couch n (坐卧两用的)长沙发
△workaholic n 工作狂
Buddha n 佛; 佛像; 佛陀
agent n 代理(商), 经纪人
travel agent 旅行社代理人
temple n 庙;寺;神殿
touch vt&vi 触摸; (使)接触;感动
n 接触;联系
naughty adj 顽皮的;淘气的
peanut n 花生
note n 笔记;注释;纸币
第2个回答  2014-03-08
argue with sb about sth 与争吵 make oneself at home 别客气
be foud of喜欢 come into being 形成 develop into 发展 now that 既然
hunt for share happiness and sorrow care about sb
drop sb a line 打电话 be loyal to 忠诚in order to keep in mind
a great deal of except for more or less bring in
come ture be popular with mother tongue in total
end up make oneself at home consider doing sth get away
watch out protect sb from return to normal see sb off
comebine A with B as well as as to go on a hike
on fire pull sb up in advance get on one,s feet
fihgt for go through keep in touch be caught in
refer to strike sb on the head seize an opportunity抓住机会
in the possession of make comments on play roles in
work on take off at the sea stay away fall asleep
be known as leave out make jokes about sb at table
be busy doing determine to do meat-eating animals
start with include doing would rather do sth than do sth
prefer to do sth rather than do sth
prefer doing sth rather than doing sth
ruin oneself by hand put on weight
prepare to do sth make preparations for to the piont
stand for stand by stand out manage to do sth
remind sb of sth remind sb todo agree on 达成协议
break down 毁掉 分解 出故障 失败 take over
die out as a result of take measures throw away
adapt oneself to respond to sb result in result from
leave sb to do sth be satisfied with suggest doing
believe in make sure make up one,s mind to do
form a habit of in trouble a series of leave sb alone
the power of law be used to do sth be fit for go with
have a ill opinion of in honour of choose from
sb is likely to do on purpose light up come into conflict with give away in principle wear out round the corner
charge sb with sth in charg of put up with bring back
apply to sb for sth make sense讲的通有意义 in the control of
gain an advantage be missing/lost/gone have advantage over
regret doing take possession of占什么的位置 ome to terms with
admire sb for sth call on sb bother sb with
match with so far as in relation to turn to for help
have an effect on cause sb sth cause sb to do sth
in other words go against go throught intend doing
intend sb to do directions for use in all direction
act as out of date过时 cut off切断停掉 look on as把什么看作 vary from 不同于
A differ from B occur to sb想到 ahead of ab (位置)在前面;比什么先进
没有翻译不知看不看的懂 ?打翻译很麻烦 请原谅
第3个回答  2014-03-08
建议某人做某事 advise sb. to do sth. suggest doing
从今以后 in future/from now on 许多,大量的 plenty of
跟上 , 赶上 keep up with 以…的步调 at a … pace
在…方面做选择 make a choice about 花(时间、钱)做 spend…(in) doing
对…有好处be good for 帮助某人做某事help sb. do
基于based on 成为…的一部分become part of
适量的in the right amounts 适用于go for
减肥on a diet / lose weight即使even if
对…有害be harmful to 代替,与…相反instead of
养成…习惯develop … habit 保持健康keep fit
时而,偶尔now and then
把…切成碎片cut…into pieces 如此…以致于so… that
信仰believe in 使…保存,流传下来keep…alive
分享对…的希望share one’s hope for 尽…所能去做do as much as sb. can to
赠送give away 分发give out
…和…相比compare…with 把…比作…compare…to
盛装,打扮dress up 依我所见in my opinion
做决定make a decision 听说hear about / of
收到…的来信hear from 和…有共同点have … in commom
因…而感激give thanks for
某人有必要做…it is necessary for sb to do 散发出give off
关心,在乎care about 开某人玩笑play a trick on sb
尽力做某事try to do
欺骗,摄取take in 向某人提供某物offer sth to sb
送走,谴走send away 发生take place
would rather do than do
prefer to do rather than do
would rather to have done
值……(钱) be worth 值得做某事be worth doing
把…表演出来act out 事实上in fact 因为,由于because of 毕竟 after all 拜访(人) call on 拜访(地) cal at 试穿try it on
至多at most 付清pay off 日日夜夜day and night
拿回来,使恢复bring back 属于 belong to
为…而准备prepare for 即使,尽管even if
参加take part in 以…的方式in … ways
推迟,延期call off 打电话call up
结婚get/be married 尝试做try doing
提出,赶上come up with 在…的路上on one’s way to
扮演…的角色play a role in
建立,树立build up 梦想dream of 练习做practise doing
有… 的味儿smell of 利用…的优势take advantage of
依照某人的看法in one’s opinion
意味着…mean doing 打算做…mean to do
制造噪音make a noise 若干,一些a number of
等候wait for 充满be charged with
被电击get charged 成功的做了某事was able to
大量的,许多的a great deal of 把…撕开tear sth. / tear at sth.
把…栓到…fasten… to 注意,当心take care
拾起,接,搭载认出,挑出pick up 被…用来be used to do
在…身上做实验test on 利用make use of
至少at least 有可能做it’s possible to do sth.
无须怀疑的是there is no doubt that 照顾take care of
没有权利做have no right to do 保护…免受…protect…from
和…一样the same…as 违背法律break laws
违背go against把… 加到……add…to
留下印象make an impression on 即将做be about to
即将来临,在拐角around the corner 搭起put up
威胁要做threaten to do 平息die down
没有预兆without warning 退出,掉队,退学drop out
掉入fall into 掉下来fall down 过去常做used to do
对…表示感激be thankful for 身体好be in good health
挣扎着爬起来struggle to one’s knees 躺下,屈服lie down
放弃give up 甘心忍受come to terms with
出名rise to fame 有保证hold promise
发生在某人身上happen to sb. 导致lead to
迄今为止so far 各种各样的all sorts of
后悔做了某事regret doing 遗憾地说regret to tell
有关,涉及in relation to 父系on one’s father’s side
成make up/be made up of 以…而出名be famous for
拥有,占领take possession of 与…签协议sign an agreement with
指的是refer to 帆船运动go sailing
宿营go camping 有…人口have a population of
大多数the majority of 转向,开始干turn to
高质量的of high quality 从早期到现在from early on
碰运气try one’s luck to do 建立,设立set up
从事work on因为…而尊敬, 给予荣誉honour sb. for sth.
例如such as for example 允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth
引进bring in 增加产量increase agricultural
与…友好be friendly with 和…一样as well as
照顾;照料take care of 缺少;短缺be short of 在…扎根take roots in
和…不同be very different from 换句话说in other words
作为…被人知道known as 作研究do research
各种各样的a variety of 代表stand of
对…有用be useful for 花时间做某事spend (in) doing
除草remove weeds 年复一年year after year
接近next year 一对…两三个的a couple of
离…近close to 幽默感a sense of humour
起作用always work 打算做某事intend to
为某人而设立be intend for sb 扮演…角色;担任act as
做着某种固定工作的人doing certain job
取笑某人make fun of 带着口音speak with an accent
哄堂大笑roar with laughter 即使even if
化装make-up 至少at least
暂时a short moment 看起来像look like
玩耍play with和… 有共同点have in common with
几分钟后a few minutes later 开玩笑make jokes
演小品act out small sketches 上溯到date back to
利用make use
第4个回答  2014-03-08
大家都是这样了 百度找下高一的 我刚刚找过 有
第5个回答  2014-03-08