

第1个回答  2023-07-29

ring用英语的读法是: 英音[rɪŋ];美音[rɪŋ]。


    She wore a beautiful diamond ring on her finger. (她戴着一枚漂亮的钻石戒指在手指上。)

    The phone rang, interrupting our conversation. (电话响了起来,打断了我们的谈话。)

    He always wears a silver ring on his thumb. (他总是在大拇指上戴着一枚银戒指。)

    The bell rang, signaling the end of class. (铃声响起,表示课程结束了。)

    She received a gold ring as a gift for her graduation. (她收到了一枚金戒指作为毕业礼物。)

    The boxing match ended when the referee rang the bell. (裁判鸣响铃声,拳击比赛结束了。)

    He proposed to her with a romantic candlelit dinner and an engagement ring. (他用浪漫的烛光晚餐和一枚订婚戒指向她求婚。)

    The alarm clock will ring at 7 a.m. to wake us up. (闹钟将在早上7点响起,叫醒我们。)

    The church bells rang to announce the start of the wedding ceremony. (教堂的钟声响起,宣布婚礼仪式开始。)

    She wears a mood ring that changes color based on her emotions. (她戴着一枚根据情绪变色的心情戒指。)