文章The Rainbow of Knowledge的原文翻译


第1个回答  推荐于2017-10-07
For more than 3/4 of my life——39 of my 50 years——I've either studied or taught in a school or a college in New York.

You might think , then after all this time I'd have some grasp of the situation , that I'd have some positive sense of assurance of certainty,about knowledge and about life. But I don't. In fact, the more I know the more I know I don't know.

To say that the more I know, the more I know I don't know is , of course, contradictory. But then, modern physics tells us that reality itself is contradictory. The more scientists look into our physical reality, the more it slips away from them. In a way, the more they learn, the less they know.

Knowledge itself is contradictory. For example, picture your knowledge as a dot, as perhaps the period at the end of this sentence. Notice the tiny circumferenceof that period, and let that represent the interface of the known with the unknown——in other words, your awareness of what you don't know.

But now imagine that little period growing, its blackness consuming more and more of page. As it grows, so does its circumference. And if that growing blackness represent knowledge, then as it grows, so does the awareness of what remains unknown. In other words, the more you know, the more you know you don't know.

No doubt you have experienced this yourself in your own personal quests for knowledge. At first, you don't even know a field of learning exists. Its been there all along, of course; you just haven't noticed it before. When I got my first computer in 1988, I walked down to the magazine store, hoping to find something about computing and was amazed at the number of choices. Likewise when I lucked into an opportunity to teach film analysis, I found myself dazzled at the sheer number of books devoted to the subject.

Let's say you decide to learn about this topic. You but one of these books, the best and most complete one you can find(or so you think), or perhaps you borrow it form the library. But you quickly find that your reading, rather than answering questions, only creates more of them.

Earlier this year, for example, i nor only had no idea that i had any interest at all in the relationship of technology to freedom; I didn't even realize that a connection between them might exist. So I started reading books ans became more and more aware of the relationship between technology and freedom. Then, on the one hand, I now know much more about this topic than I did a few short months ago. But on the other hand, all this reading has made me see how little I really know and how much more I need to read and think and write. Once I've finished reading a book, I always feel that I need to read three more to gain a better grasp of the topic. And I think and write at the same time. In fact, it is my writing that has led me into it. We think often that only people who know and who are sure of them selves write. For me, however, it's just the opposite. Writing doesn't close things off—— it opens things up.

For a long time, I, as a writer, was paralyzed by this paradox —— the more I know, the more I know I don't know. I was very aware of the teaching from Taoism that said "those who know don't speak; those who speak don't know." I wasn't sure I should write at all, and even if I did, I didn't know more first, It took me a long time not to let this paradox freeze me and to believe that it was my writing that would qualify my knowledge, and not the other way around. I think of my work not as articles or as columns but as essays —— a word from French, meaning "to try." I do not know truth. I only try to find it.

I don't mean, of course, to suggest that we should not learn, or that we should not read and write and think and talk. I do not mean to suggest that we should not try. An infinite quest is not hopeless one. I only suggest that an understanding willinevitably and doubtlessly lead us away from the force and rigidity of dogmatism ans toward the flexibility ans freedom of the individual. As Taoism teachers, " thestiff and unbending is the disciple of death. The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life."

We must temper our pride in knowing with the humility of not knowing. The truth, as they say , is out there , but , maybe like the rainbow, we can never really grasp it, never hold it in our hands and truly know it, We can only, as William James said, "live today by what truth we can get today and be ready to call it falsehood tomorrow.


于是,你或许会认为,经过这么长一段时间,我应该了解一些情况,确实知道一些东西,对知识和对生活该会积极地予以把握和肯定了。可是,我却没有做到这一点。事实 上,我知道的东西越多,反倒越觉得自己无知。
但现在想象一下那个小小的句号在渐渐扩大,它的黑色部分占据页面越来越多的地方。随着它的扩大,它的周缘也跟着扩大。如果那个正在增大的黑色部分代表你的知识的 话,在知识增长的同时,你会意识到自己有许多不知道的东西。也就是说,你知道的越多,就越觉得自己无知。



在很长一段时间里,我,作为一个作家,就瘫痪了这个悖论 - 我越知道的越多,我知道,我不知道。我心里很明白,从道家认为教学“谁知道那些不说话;那些谁说话不知道”我不知道我应该写可言,即使我没有,我不知道更多的第一,我花了很长的时间,不要让这种矛盾冻结了我,并认为这是我的写作,将我的资格知识,而不是周围的其他方法。我觉得我的工作没有文章或列,但作为散文 - “尝试”来自法国的一个词,意思是我不知道真相。我只是试图找到它。

