

第1个回答  2023-08-07

慢点的英文是slow down


1慢点——我跟不上了!Slow down ─ I can't keep up! 

2慢点!停!Slow down! Whoa! 

3你能走慢点吗?Could you go a little slower? 

4这事先慢点告诉他。Don't tell her about this yet. 

5把速度放慢点(儿)。Slow down a little. 

6你走慢点儿行不行,人家跟不上啊!Would you slow down? I can't keep up! 

7我建议人们说话时尽量慢点。I advise people to speak slowly. 

8慢点包,让我再吃口玉米面包吧。Give me another mite of that pone before you wrap it up.

9因此,这个人必须不停地叫喊,“慢点儿,时间。”So the man must keep calling, "Go slower, Time." 

10我还没抓稳呢Rose走慢点I haven't got a good grip on it Rose.-Go slowly. 

11我需要借点钱,我slow down:慢点Jenny慢慢说。And I really need borrow some money. I-Nate: Jenny, just slow down.- 

12DJ:好了,慢点。DJ: All right, slowing it down. 

13你能说慢点让我听懂吗?Could you speak more slowly so that I can understand?