

第1个回答  2017-08-11
 look after‘照顾,照料,关心’,主要是对人在生活方面的照顾和料理。如,My mother is ill. I have to look after her at home.我妈病了。我不得不在家照看她。The nurse looked after the children very well.护士把这些孩子照顾得非常好。

take care of‘管理,保管,保护’,主要是对物品/动物的管理或保护。如,Can you take good care of these goods?你能看管好这些货物吗?“ Don't worry, I can take good care of your parrot while you are away.”said LinFeng.“别担心,你走了我会看护好你的鹦鹉的。”林风说。

有时这两个词组可以互用,表示‘看护...’.  She usually looked after /took care of her classmates' clothes and other things while they were playing football. 她通常为同学看管衣物在他们踢足球的时候。本回答被提问者采纳