

第1个回答  2024-06-06

Fuzhou Vocational and Technical College, guided by the principle of 'Quality at the Core, Industry-University-Research Collaboration,' dedicates itself to the development of the Meizhou Bay Economic Zone. The institution adheres to a forward-thinking approach, prioritizing employment orientation, fundamental skills, and competence-based education, while fostering innovation as a driving force and maintaining a strong focus on quality.

Under this philosophy, the college emphasizes内涵建设 and quality consciousness, nurturing unique strengths. The 'Ming De, Li Qi, Hou Shi, Dou Xing' motto is diligently implemented, collaborating with large enterprises for a strategic partnership. Innovative approaches, such as project-based learning, customized training, and pre-employment placements, are actively pursued, enhancing students' practical abilities and promoting the 'Double Certificate' system.

Notably, the college's students have consistently achieved top awards in省级 and above vocational skill competitions, producing a skilled workforce with impeccable ethics, proficient technical skills, and a capacity for continuous growth. As a demonstration center, Fuzhou Vocational and Technical College collaborates with educational institutions across 14 provinces, sharing expertise and contributing to the professional development of educators.

Through precise办学定位, a market-oriented curriculum, and a growing brand reputation, the college has garnered widespread recognition. Its commitment to improving教学质量 and sustainable growth has led to high employment rates, earning it excellent rankings in provincial university employment assessments. Fuzhou Vocational and Technical College has charted a distinct path, integrating industry, academia, and a dedication to the Fujian-Xi Gulf region, marking significant strides in its development according to the principles of higher vocational education.


