

第1个回答  2011-04-27
Today, our view is "not entitled to government provided universal health insurance." First, I would like to elaborate on the "universal health care." Universal health care means the establishment or organized by the government for all citizens, regardless of urban and rural areas, can participate in health insurance, sick people after all can the medical insurance system from the get help. All people regardless of status, identity, gender, region, income, should be equal.
I have explained above from Baidu know that I caught from the three points to explain important information. 1, the Government established. 2 insurance. 3 universal access, are equal. We first see is to establish universal health care must be led by the government, and insurance institutions as one of the important role and will also participate. Further government intervention in the medical field although beneficial to some extent, the effective allocation of medical resources, but it will be the market of medical services and pharmaceutical process difficult; and insurance institutions involved in the field of health insurance to change the relationship between supply and demand into the medical supply side,
The demand side and the health insurance triangular relationship between, so that the medical insurance field the phenomenon of market failure is more serious.
Second, we speak of universal health care, must be universal access, equality of all citizens in health care. Contrast, today's health care again to promote our situation: Today, China is only around 200 million residents have health insurance, plus 170 million in rural areas, the new cooperative medical insurance, a total of 370 million people. But we all know that China's population already over 1.3 billion. That is about one billion people and citizens do not enjoy medical insurance. If you want the 10 million people, including the scope of health insurance in the past, it will require much capital investment? China's economic foundation is able to assume the expenses?
This expenditure will come from? Experts estimate that China should establish a nationwide health insurance system will need at least 500 billion yuan. 500 billion in revenue for the eight trillion is indeed not a big number. But we can do because of universal health care and other sudden drops in construction spending it? This is unrealistic. In addition, the universal health care will surely greatly increase the financial burden. Universal health care can be said at this stage of economic development in China can not afford. Third, who is out of money? In 2008, the central part of the Medicare pilot areas had issued a "pilot
Bill "a temporary bill, which is the principle source of funding for" state aid that the local arrangements that people dig it. "This sounds multi-funded, but in fact are not they all come from taxpayers. Perhaps through universal health insurance, you can make your time in the face of health problems get more help, but who because of a situation that may arise in the future constantly pulled out more tax it? Perhaps it is only a little money to rich people, but for a large number of medium and low class income for the long term will be a big tax burden.
As part of this community extraordinary, of course we all want universal health care as early as possible to achieve in this land, but the ideal to be realistic, we are from that goal is still a long way to go.