

第1个回答  2023-02-02

我想要一些茶用英语怎么说:I would like some tea

1、America imports about 190 million pounds of tea a year 美国每年进口大约1.9亿磅茶叶。

2、Tea processing requires both technique and artistry. 茶叶加工对工艺和手法都有要求。

3、I must go home and get tea for the kids. 我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。

4、I must go home and get the kids their tea. 我得回家为孩子们准备茶点。

5、What time do the kids have their tea? 孩子们什么时候用傍晚主餐?

6、A cup of tea? There's nothing I'd like better! 一杯茶?那最好不过了!

7、I'll put the kettle on and make some tea. 我要烧壶水沏茶。

8、Would you like a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗?