

第1个回答  2022-07-21

  Teaching plan

  ⅠBacgrund Infratins

  Class: Eight

  Grade: Fur

  Textb: Unit Three Weather

  Perid: Perid 1

  ⅡThe tpe f the lessn: vcabular, speaing and listennig.

  ⅢTeaching Obectives

  1. nwledge bective

  After the stud f the class, students shuld be able t sa in English the naes f weather.

  2. Abilit bective

  After the stud f the class, students shuld be able t as and answer questins abut weather.

  3. Mral bective

  After the stud f the class, students shuld be able t tae gd care f theselves and thers.

  ⅣTeaching Prcedures

  Step 1. Greeting

  T: Hell! M lvel children. I’ Miss Chen, nice t eet u. (Wave hands)


  Teacher draw a circle in the blacbard and as the students t guess.

  T: What can u see n the blacbard?

  Ss: An apple./ A basetball./Zer./ A letter O...

  教师: 在圆圈周围加上几笔,画出简笔画的太阳。


  Step 2. Presentatin

  a) Learn the new wrds:sunn.

  Teacher use siple drawing t intrduce the new wrds.


  教师: 同学们,你看这是一个生气的太阳。What is the weather lie?



  b) Learn the new wrds:clud.


  T: L at the picture. What can u see? And where is the sun?太阳很淘气,它也喜欢和我们玩捉迷藏。


  T:Great! There are an cluds. The sun is ust hidden…

  c) Learn the new wrds:rain.

  T: 很多云在一起,它们有时候会打起架了,有的受伤了,它们就哭了。What’s the weather lie?

  Ss: 下雨了…..

  Step 3.Practice

  a) Pair-wr:

  Rle pla: Students phne their friends and tal abut the weather.

  Use the structure: What’s the weather lie? It’s sunn/rain...

  As vlunteers t present their dialgue.

  b) Guessing gae:


  Step 4: Prductin

  Watch a vide: “What’s the weather lie tda?”

  Listen again and fill in the blan.

  Step 5: Suar


  Step 5: Hewr

  (1) Cp the new wrds fr five ties.

  (2) Listen t “Let’s tal”.

  Ⅴ 板书设计

  Unit 3 Weather

  A: What’s the weather lie?

  Grup 1 Grup 2

  B: It’s…