

第1个回答  2016-02-28
兰州中山桥俗称“中山铁桥”、“黄河铁桥”,位于滨河路中段北侧,白塔山下、金城关前,建于公元一九○七年(清光绪三十三年),是兰州历史最悠久的古桥,也是5,464公里黄河上第一座真正意义上的桥梁,因而有“天下黄河第一桥”之称。1942年,为纪念孙中山先生而改名为“中山桥”。 今天,中山桥的观赏价值、历史和文物价值,已远远大于它的交通价值,成为百里黄河风情线上最引人注目的金城一景。
兰州银滩大桥北起安宁营门滩,南至七里河马滩,是黄河上游的第一座大型现代化斜拉式大桥。兰州银滩大桥全长1 391.41米,桥面宽25.5米,由主桥、引桥、引道三部分构成,由铁道部第一勘探设计院设计,铁道部第二工程局施工,于1997年3月15日开始修建,2001年8月18日正式通车。
Lanzhou bridge 9, respectively:
1, Zhongshan Bridge
Lanzhou Zhongshan Bridge, commonly known as "Zhongshan Bridge", "the Yellow River Bridge", located in the middle of Binhe Road on the north side, Baita Mountain, before closing the Jincheng, built in AD 1901 seven years (33rd year of the reign of Qing Emperor Guangxu), is Maryland's oldest ancient bridge, is 5464 kilometers of the Yellow River Bridge, the first true sense of the bridge. Therefore, it is "world of the Yellow River Bridge in the first," said.1942, in honor of Dr. Sun Yat Sen renamed Zhongshan Bridge. Today, the ornamental value of the Zhongshan Bridge, the value of historical and cultural relics, has been far greater than the value of its traffic to become a king in the Yellow River customs line, the most striking of Jincheng.
2, Lanzhou Yantan bridge in the Yellow River
On both sides of the perfect enjoy Yantan Lanzhou Yellow River Bridge in Lanzhou Yellow River "Rainbow Bridge" reputation, a total length of 816 meters, the bridge of three span continuous steel pipe concrete rigid frame tied arch bridge, bridge deck width of 31 meters, the west approach of the long 75 meters, east bridge length of 440 meters, for the reinforced concrete continuous beam bridge, the main bridge, approach bridge, road, Des Voeux Road, rain, lighting and so on. The project has the advantages of novel structure, technical content is high, is the same type of the largest span continuous steel pipe concrete rigid frame tied arch bridge, has to be included in the Lanzhou City "ten landmark building one. It is built on the Lanzhou city road network structure and improve the traffic congestion and the development along the Yellow River economy, the convenience of the public life plays an important role.
3, Donggang railway bridge in the Yellow River
Donggang Yellow River Railway Bridge 3 hole 53m bearing type reinforced concrete rib arch bridge, full-length 221.9m, design load in 26 level. According to the seismic intensity of 8 degree seismic fortification intensity. The arch axis adopts constant load pressure line. Arch rib is two pieces of I-shaped cross-section, the arch structure by rigid frame bridge deck board and composition. Arch rib, just frame and bridge deck are 30, reinforced concrete, abutment masonry, concrete insert surface 1956 built is connecting bridge of Baotou Lanzhou railway line.
4, neutral Bridge
Neutral bridge is a suspension bridge, the bridge landscape is very good, but this bridge is a broken bridge, did not open to traffic, Lanzhou is also a "strange" concept. Because of the design and quality issues, in 2010 6 at the beginning of the demolition.
Chengguan the Yellow River Bridge opened to traffic in 1979.
5, the small West Lake the Yellow River Bridge
The use of Xiaoxihu Yellow River Bridge low tower cable-stayed structure, the Lanzhou city invested most largest high scientific and technological content of a interchange overpass. Unique design is the second seat of prestressed concrete tower and single cable partial cable stayed bridge, bridge 27.5 meters wide, two-way four lane, both sides of the Yellow River in Lanzhou traffic provides a convenient.
6, Qilihe the Yellow River Bridge
The bridge is located in Lanzhou City Qilihe, is an important bridge connecting the Anning District, Qilihe district. The bridge construction in November in October 1956 to 1958, 540 million yuan of investment, by the Ministry of Railways in the first design institute design, Urumqi Railway Bureau bridge engineering team to build. The superstructure is a seven span reinforced mixing concrete double cantilever hanging beam structure, span 30m 5*40M 30m, full-length 276.12M, total deck width 1840M, 12m driveway, sidewalk each for 3.2m; substructure for gravity type bridge pier and abutment. Is was built in China on the Yellow River is the biggest span reinforced concrete cantilever beam bridge.
7, the Yellow River Silver Beach Bridge
Lanzhou Yintan bridge north of the peace camp beach, South to Qilihe Ma beach is on the upper reaches of the Yellow River the first large-scale modern cable-stayed bridge. Lanzhou Yintan bridge a total length of 1 1_391.41 meters, 25.5 meters wide bridge, from the main bridge, bridge approach, cited road three parts constitute, by the Ministry of Railways in the first exploration design and Design Institute, Ministry of Railways of the second Engineering Bureau of construction, on March 15, 1997 began to build, in August 2001 18 officially opened.
8, Xisha the Yellow River Bridge
Located in Xigu District Zhong Jia He, South serial form road, north of Anning District and Nakagawa Airport Road, built in 1971, is connected to an important bridge in the Xigu District, Anning District, is also the Xigu District leading to the main channel of Zhongchuan airport.
9 days, the Yellow River Waterway Bridge
Bridge is located in Lanzhou station Tianshui Road, is an important bridge connecting in Lanzhou City and State Road 312 lines, also leads to the Lanzhou airport's main export. This bridge started construction in March 1999 and was opened in 2002.本回答被网友采纳