
短点的也行啊!我真的是急着用啊!明天就得交啊!求求各位了!无论你写多短我都采纳为最佳答案的 谢了 真的很急啊

第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-23
Read the word, memorizing words every day for 1 hour. Read the text. Listen carefully in class. Watch some English movies. Listening to English songs and words.每天读单词,背单词1小时。读课文。上课认真听讲。看一些英文电影。听英文歌,列单词表本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-12-11
Here is my plan for English study. I will listen to the teacher carefully and try to ask and answer questions. I will review what was learnt and then do my homework carefully. I will spend about twenty minutes to read English and prepare the new lessons every day. I will watch English Programs and listen to English songs which are good for my English study. I will ask my teacher and classmates for help when I have problems in English learning. When I make mistakes, I will correct it right away and try not to make the same mistakes.