

第1个回答  2022-07-20

ESPN的薪资专家Bobby Marks在节目中给出了杜兰特去太阳的一套可行交易方案:涉及步行者、太阳、篮网与爵士的四队交易。随后,美媒NBACentral转发该方案并发问:谁说不?引来热议,一起来看看球迷如何评论!


篮网队得到: 米切尔、米卡尔-布里奇斯、迈尔斯-特纳

太阳队得到: 杜兰特

步行者队得到: 艾顿

爵士队得到: 本-西蒙斯、卡梅隆-托马斯、5个首轮(4个来自太阳,1个来自步行者)、3个选秀互换权(来自太阳)

The pacers do, they give up Myles turner for Ayton which makes no sense when they could trade Myles turner for value and then offer Ayton a contract but in this scenario they get no value


So the Nets essentially trade KD, Ben Simmons, and Cam Thomas for Mitchell, Bridges, and Turner? Sounds like they say no


Why does everyone underrate Donovan Mitchell?


Why are all those picks going to Utah instead of Brooklyn??


Phoenix - giving up too much and Utah is getting too much. Suns send Cam instead of Mikal and one less FRP. Utah should contribute a FRP and split the picks with Brooklyn


So,while the Nets trade 3 for 3(KD,bem and cam for DMitch,bridges&Turner),a clear downgrade,and phx gets KD for Mikal& Ayton who was leaving anyway? Nets should get some more from phx Indi should give more as well,they trading Ayton for myles and surrendering only 1 pick


Nets I think gave made it clear they want picks, they dont wanna go through another KG and Puerce situation where they have no picks... lmao or am I wrong on that?

我想篮网队已经明确表示他们想要选秀权,他们不想再经历加内特和皮尔斯那样的情况,他们没有选秀权......哈哈 我错了吗?

I rather get Anthony Davis, Westbrook, tht Austin reeves, and 2 1st from the lakers if I was the nets for KD and Kyrie


Suns. Mortgage the entire future for a 34 year old Durant?


This is actually a really decent trade i dont see why not


Lemme get this straight, the suns give up 4 firsts, 3 pick swap, Bridges and Ayton for KD… it should be obvious who says no lol

让我直截了当地说,太阳队用 4 个首轮签, 3个选秀互换权 ,布里奇斯和艾顿换了 KD……谁说不呢,这很明显,哈哈

Indiana. They can just sign ayton why would they give up turner and a first for him?


According to this deal Mitchell has the most value.


Jazz is prob the only team here that doesn't say no


Correct, any Nets fan that has seen a healthy Kevin Durant and a healthy Ben Simmons play basketball says no. Ben Simmons finally took action to address his back issue. The back should not be a problem this year, he is going to be a monster!

没错,任何看过 健康 的凯文-杜兰特和 健康 的本-西蒙斯打篮球的网队球迷都会说不。 本-西蒙斯最终采取了行动,解决了他的背部问题。 今年,背部应该不是一个问题,他将成为一个怪物!"。

id quit being a jazz fan if we got fucking ben simmons


Brooklyn says no. They want Picks. Why would Utah get all of these picks for Mitchell, a 1 way player who has underperformed in the playoffs most recently.


I mean Nets definitely need more picks in return. So this basically is saying Mitchell is worth more than KD, Simmons and Thomas?


So the Nets lose KD and recoup zero draft picks? Yeah the Nets definitely say no


Good trade, Nets wouldn't give Thomas tho


if i’m decided and i’m phoenix i say no. durant is a generational talent but the possibility of 7 first rounders is not worth it for KD since most likely he’s only there 3-4 years.

如果我能决定,我是太阳队,我说不。但对于 KD 来说,7 个首轮的可能性并不值得,因为他很可能只在那里打 3-4 年。

Interesting trade. A backcourt with Kyrie and Mitchell would be odd as both need the ball to dominate. Also expect Turner to complain about not being in the offense. Finally the picks from the Suns would be terrible, so don’t know if Utah says yes


As an outsider, this feels like a pretty fair deal. I would bet the fan bases of all 4 teams would feel like they gave too much. Usually that’s the sign of a good swap. Maybe Phoenix paid the highest price but Paul-Booker-KD is a championship core.


Why is Utah getting all the picks in this scenario? They’re only giving up Mitchell, arguably the 3rd best player in this deal

