

第1个回答  2016-06-01

本教材有以下特点: 1. 本教材是北京外国语大学英语系的一项重要科研成果,汇集了英语教学专家们的丰富教学经验,体现了前沿的教学思想。 2. 教材吸纳了国外最新的语言材料,题材丰富,内容新颖,包括了现代生活的各个方面,具有鲜明的时代特征。 3. 教材在总体目标、语言项目、词汇范围和练习方式上,都体现了新大纲的要求,符合国家标准。 4. 教材在教学法上博采众长,不拘一格;在教学原则上注意发挥学生的主动性与积极性;在编写手法上注意纵向连贯和横向配合,循序渐进。 5.与教材配套的有录音带、多媒体软件等辅助学习材料,体现了立体教学的特点,方便读者学习。 6.教材注意语言与文化的结合,注重提高学生的人文修养,体现了英语专业教材的特色。
Lesson One
Text A Another School Year—What For?
Text B The Thought Card
Lesson Two
Text A Maheegun My Brother
Text B The Land of the Lock
Lesson Four
Text A The Nightingale and the Rose
Text B Nightingale
Lesson Five
Text A Say Yes
Text B Arrangement in Black and White
Lesson Six
Text A The Man in the Water
Text B The Broken Lantern
Lesson Seven
Text A The Greatest Invention
Text B The Flying Machine
Lesson Eight
Text A Psychologically Speaking
Text B Psychologically Speaking (continued)
Lesson Nine
Text A Quick Fix Society
Text B Remarks by Bill Clinton at Grand Canyon National Park
Lesson Ten
Text A The Richer, the Poorer
Text B The Story of Jane Pilgrim
Lesson Eleven
Text A You Have to Get Me Out of Here
Text B Help for the Helper
Lesson Twelve
Text A Confessions of a Miseducated Man
Text B Understanding Society and Culture Through Eating
Lesson Thirteen
Text A Blueprint for Success
Text B My Wood
Lesson Fourteen
Text A Space Shuttle Challenger
Text B Blimps
Lesson Fifteen
Text A The Riddle of Time
Text B Mr. Imagination
Vocabulary List
Idiomatic Expressions and Collocations
Verb Patterns
