
This overall return rate, based on personalized print, should also factor in the costs of developing the content and designing the personalization rules. Certainly, creating content for communications with a high level of personalization will require additional investment on the part of sellers. However, organizations that leverage a content repository have the ability to reuse content across a wide range of marketing and sales activities. Sellers can also leverage variable data personalized printing to reduce the costs of collateral fulfillment by providing collateral materials “on-demand” to those who express interest.

E-mail Marketing

Much like printed dire ct mail, o p t-in e-mail-based campaigns can be a very effective method of communicating with customers. First, the co s t of executing an e-mail campaign is extremely low compared to other communication channels. Gartner Group estimates t h at e-mail costs about $5 to $7 per thousand versus printed dire ct mail, which can range from $500 to $700 per thousand. Along with sender anonymity and readily accessible e-mail databases, low cost is a large part of the reason t h at spam (unsolicited e-mail) has become such an issue.

While spam e-mail certainly has some detrimental impact on the overall effectiveness of e-mail, permission based e-mail still remains efficient and effective. Gartner analysts validate that permission-based and opt-in marketing strategies are critical to higher e-mail response rates.

In general, they assert that response rates measured by action taken from direct mail are the same as e-mail, hovering at 1 percent. On permission-based e-mails, the average click-through rate is between 6 and 8 percent.

Like many of the other forms of customer communication, the keys to successful e-mail marketing lie within the following factors:

第1个回答  2010-05-07


就像印可怕啊,差异有显著性(p t-in ct邮件基于活动可以是一种非常有效的方法,与客户沟通。首先,公司销售的执行电子邮件运动是极低,比起其他的沟通渠道。加特纳集团估计费用大约在电子邮件吨h的$ 5到7元/千与印刷可怕,ct邮件从$ 500到$ 700‰。随着电子邮件发送匿名性和方便资料库,低成本的很大一部分原因h在垃圾(不请自来的电子邮件)已成为这样一个问题。


总的来说,他们声称应答率所采取的行动来衡量从直邮一样的电子邮件,盘旋在1个百分点。在基于允许的电子邮件,一般的点击率是6 - 8个百分点。
