澳洲留学 毕业证学位证中英文标准格式


第1个回答  2022-12-26
在DIY留学申请中,需要像海外院校提交毕业证和学位证明文件,两个证书中英文的标准格式是:A4纸 上面证书,下面翻译,各占一半。学校盖红章在纸的中部盖,正好一半的红章压在中文上,一半压在英文上,这就是“骑缝章”.这个word文档里,上面是我两个证书的扫描图片,然后经过大小处理的。英文名字的大小写,年月日的写法。还有,模板里的粗体,斜体,都得注意一下。一定要非常认真非常认真地核对,编号、生日等等千万不能出差错留学e网为DIY留学的学生们整理了留学文书写作指导及范文模板,包括了个人陈述PS,简历CV,推荐信RL,Essay等各类文书各个专业模板供学生们下载,下载地址: http://www.eduwo.com/zt/material/material.html CERTIFICATE FOR GRADUATION ********** UNIVERSITY         Certificate No: 0000000000000   This is to certify that LEI FENG, male, born on June 10, 198*, majoring in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing & Automation of this university from September 2001 to June 2005, has successfully fulfilled all curriculums of the four-year undergraduate program of study, and passed the examinations. Hereby he is allowed to graduate.   President: DONG CUN RUI   ************ University   June 30,2005 CERTIFICATE FOR THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE            Certificate No: 0000000000000   This is to certify that LEI FENG, male, born in June 198*, majoring in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing & Automation in the Department of Mechanical Engineering of this university from September 2001 to June 2005, has successfully fulfilled all curriculums of the four-year undergraduate program of study, and has graduated.   Upon the examination and verification in conformity with the Regulations of Academic Degrees of the People's Republic of China , he is thereby granted the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering.   President of ***** University: DONG CUN RUI   Chairman of the Degree Senate: DONG CUN RUI   June 30,2005