
LEED addresses the different project development and delivery processes that exist in the U.S. building design and construction market。。。。(LEED不需要做翻译)
原文:LEED addresses the different project development and delivery processes that exist in the U.S. building design and construction market, through rating systems for specific building typologies, sectors, and project scopes: LEED for Core & Shell, LEED for New Construction, LEED for Schools, LEED for Neighborhood Development, LEED for Retail, LEED for Healthcare, LEED for Homes, and LEED for Commercial Interiors.

第1个回答  2010-05-01
1. 对…发表演说(或讲话),向…作(正式)讲话,讲(话等),向…致词:例句: to address an assembly
向与会者发表讲话to address an audience
向听众发表演说2. (直接地)对…说话;写信给,函告,与…通信,把(邮件等)寄至;使用(口头或书面言词)将(信息、警告等)针对而发[有时用address oneself](to):例句: He addressed his remarks to the lawyers in the audience.
他对听众中的律师们讲话。She addressed herself to both of you.
她跟你们俩说话。3. 在(信封和包裹)上写(收件人)姓名地址,致(函等):例句: The letter was wrongly addressed.
这封信地址写错了。4. 满足(需求);处理,对付;讨论,论述:例句: to address the need of
满足…的需要to address an issue
处理问题5. 对待:例句: We should address her as our equal.
我们应该平等地对待她。6. 称呼,(说话时)用适当称呼:例句: You should address him as “sir”.
你该用“sir”(先生)来称呼他。to address to judge as Your Honour
称呼法官为“阁下(或先生)”[直接称呼用语]7. [address oneself]致力于,从事于,忙于;把注意力放在(to):例句: Let us address ourselves to the matter in hand.
让我们动手干手头的事。8. 【高尔夫球】准备击(球),(将球棍顶端)对准(球)9. 【射箭】(将箭)对准(靶),侧身向靶瞄准10. (跳舞时)面对(舞伴),摆好姿态,准备跳方形舞11. 【商业】将…委托给代理商(或代理人);寄存;托运12. 【计算机】编(址);定址,寻(址);访问13. 重点提出,集中目标:例句: The problem will only get worse if it is not addressed.
如果不重点解决一下,这个问题只能恶化。14. [古语]向…求爱;向…献殷勤15. [古语]派遣,打发16. [废语]安排;准备(尤指梳妆打扮)vi.[废语]说话呼吁献殷勤准备



第2个回答  2010-05-01
这个词有处理,解决(问题)的意思 你放在这里看看就知道了本回答被提问者采纳