

第1个回答  2024-05-12
1. "vs"的全称是"versus",主要用作介词,意为“对,对抗;与……相对,与……相比”。
2. "versus"的英式读音是[?v??s?s],美式读音是[?v??rs?s]。
3. "vs"在英语中有两种基本用法:
a. 表示在两个事物、想法或者意见之间进行比较。例如:“国庆节到了,宅在家里vs外出旅游,你会选择哪一个。”
b. 表示两个人、团体或者组织在比赛或者法案上进行对抗。
4. 例句:
a. "What's different about your work in the US versus Europe?"(你和欧洲的工作有什么不同?)
b. "This is the whole situation of revolution versus counter-revolution in China."(这就是中国革命和反革命的全部形势。)
c. "It's not men versus women, right? What is the opposition?"(不是男对女,对吧?对立面是什么?)
d. "The amount of debt versus equity to be used has yet to be determined."(融资中的债权和股权比例尚未确定。)
e. "That's the first derivative of the position versus time."(那就是位置对时间的一阶导数。)
f. "It was the promise of better job opportunities versus the inconvenience of moving away and leaving her friends."(那是更好的就业前景与搬走并远离朋友的不便之间的选择。)