

第1个回答  2015-10-27
Early 2014, in the Georgian Premier League Dinamo Tbilisi against Bernt west of Zion game, Dinamo Tbilisi player Francisco in midfield been kicked, he painfully kneel on the floor, West Bernt Zion player immediately kicked the ball out of bounds. Soon after the match resumed, teammates throw out of bounds ball Sisko understatement feet ready to kick the ball back to the goalkeeper, did not expect the ball directly goalkeeper head into the goal. Francisco quickly motioned, he was not intentional.
Subsequently, not Dinamo Tbilisi team defense, see Bernt west of Zion players put the ball all the way from the centre circle with the goal.
The spirit of fair play, but in how to make up for the fault, we each have their own way.
July 2013, in the north of the modern and south of the K League, the whole North modern players were injured, south of the city and the ball kicked out. Soon after the match resumed, north of modern this the ball right to return to the opponent, but full North modern Lee Dong gook ball with two steps and then feet hanging the ball towards the goal, the ball into the net as a wave in the world. After the goal, Li Dongguo quickly to indicate that they are not careful. But the South and the players are excited, both sides had been pushed the conflict.
Later, after the referee's coordination, the whole North Hyundai agreed to return to the South and a goal, but the way is to pass the ball back to the goalkeeper to kick into their own door.
After the game, the whole North modern on the official website for their players point praise, they think that in this way to make up for the fault, the maintenance of the club's honor.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2020-02-03
𝘙 𝙗 1 1 。 𝙘 𝘾
蛙规劫狱.不管脚步有多慢都不要紧,只要你在走,总会看到进步。.zero in your target,and go for it.从零开始,勇往直前!运,而应坚信思想。——爱献生处于越位位置的队员,在同队队员踢或触及球的一瞬间,裁判员认为其就下列情况而言“卷入”了现实比赛中时才被判为越位犯规;干扰比赛;干扰对方队员;利用