

My life follows a regular time .Everyday i wake up at 7 o'clock and then i eat breakfast even if i am free that day .Then i will go to school for studying , the time in school makes me feel very busy everyday.with no doubt we have homework which takes me 2 to 3 hours to complete .If i have spare time i will surf the internet or watch televison..Then night falls ,i can have a sweet dream .
第1个回答  2014-10-25
I wake up at seven and ate an egg for breakfast. I went to school by bus and it took me about ten minutes. I had English class, Maths class and Chinese class. As usual, they are boring. The teacher asked me a question and I answered it correctly. The question is wa jue ji shu na jia qiang, and my answer is: at first I thought it is the best in USA however I finally know that I was too young too naive because there is a NBer school in China called blue shit, and it was the NBest wa jue school in the world. All of my classmates thought I was fucking amazing. I went back home and my mum prized me.