

第1个回答  2022-10-16
Merry X'mas to you all
We wish you a Merry Christmas! We wish you+ ( noun here).<-------------This is the proper sentence structure here. Examples: -We wish you every success.( noun) - We wish you happiness.( noun) A Merry Christmas <---------------------------"A" =one
not " are". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 另外关于个a字,为何有些人(中国香港)会把he is a boy中的 " "音(像这歌的读音)读成" "音呢? The " a" sound is like " uh" ( less stress on this sound and then followed by the noun" boy" and say it fast in oral English. I am a( uh= don't stree on this sound)+ boy. ________________________________________ If you read" I am a boy" out loud
then it is a bit different. The " a" sound is like the " a" as in the word" aide". I am a ( as in " aide") boy. <---------------------( Even stress on each word) That's it for now. Bye 2008-12-25 00:20:51 补充: Merry Xmas to you all
*****************I mistyped " Xmas".
we wish you" a" merry christmas a is not equal to are wish有好多使用方法 意思会唔一样 以下只系其中几个 1.to用法(desire) i wish to sleep.我想sleep i wish her to sleep.我想她sleep 2.that用法(dream) i wish she was sleeping我希望她在睡(但事实上不是,己过去了) i wish iwould be rich.我希望我将会有钱(十分难发生) 3.想要一些东西 如果是自己想要,就用 i wish for a merry christmas.我想要一个快乐圣诞 如果是有pronoun,就用 i wish you a merry christmas.我想你有一个快乐圣诞 后面的是noun i wish her luck 我想她有运气 而不是 i wish she was lucky. 意思有不同
可能是她已经倒楣 还有很多用法的 2008-12-24 21:23:33 补充: 第3个用法 什么时候用a 什么时候不用 1.uncountable word不用 2.复数不用 3.有些字永远跟the 的要跟the i wish her the best 4.pronoun不用 i wish her it. 随机应变,加到a就加 i wish her a happy holiday.(holiday countable) we wish you" a" merry christmas(因christmas是一个day day is countable)
1.应该是we wish you'er merry christmas啦! 2.Because you'er('er)
参考: myself