

第1个回答  2022-10-25

1. 米奇老鼠的英语作文介绍

Mickey Mouse debuted in the 1928 animated short Steamboat Willie and went on to bee the familiar symbol of Walt Disney studios. A cheerful rodent in white gloves and red shorts, Mickey starred in dozens of Disney shorts and the 1940 animated feature Fantasia, being one of the world's best-known cartoon characters. After 1950 Mickey appeared only rarely in films and instead settled into a role as Disney's ambassador in its TV shows, advertisements and theme parks.。

2. 米奇的英文介绍

米老鼠小档案 英文名:Mickey Mouse 米老鼠 昵称:米老鼠 出生日期:1928年11月18日 出生地:美国加利福尼亚 经典衣着:红色衬衣、短裤和黄色鞋子 口头禅:“糟了!”“噢,小家伙!”“噢!土豆!”“那一定是很时髦的!”“笨蛋,向右转……”“快注意!” 1932年,米老鼠曾获得奥斯卡特别奖。

米老鼠的伙伴高飞是迪斯尼为了丰富米老鼠的故事而后来添加上去的人物。 米奇的伙伴们 最忠心的宠物:布鲁托 Pluto 布鲁托是对米老鼠最忠诚的宠物狗,不过它第一次亮相时却是被警察带着去追捕逃犯米老鼠的猎狗,没有名字。

布鲁托是一只纯粹的狗,它只能靠鼻音来表白自己的爱憎。 甜美的女朋友:米妮 Minnie 米妮,出生时间:1928年;首次亮相:《威利号汽船》;她是米老鼠的女朋友,它是一只长相甜美的雌性小老鼠,头上戴着一只硕大的蝴蝶结,十分可爱。

善良的笨朋友:高飞 Goofy 高飞(Goofy,意思是愚蠢)是一条心地善良但脑瓜不大灵活的狗,他是作为布鲁托的对比物出现的。它首次现身荧幕是在《米奇的时事讽刺剧》一片中扮演观众角色,当时它发出的刺耳笑声令它在观众中显得有点鹤立鸡群。

吵吵闹闹的伙伴:唐老鸭 Donald Duck 唐老鸭,有一个热心肠,并且总是充满好意,而实际上他却总是非常急躁,爱发脾气(当然他的运气也不怎么样)。他脾气火爆,好与人争执,喜欢夸大事实,经常抱怨生活中的小事和不如意的地方。


唐老鸭和米奇是好朋友,他的女朋友是黛丝(Daisy Duck)。 米老鼠的来历 沃尔特·迪斯尼(Walt Disney)小时候和他的爸爸生活在农场里,他的爸爸从来不给他买玩具。









就在公司关门的当天晚上,沃尔特把小老鼠带到附近的树林里,放走了它,并在心里对小老鼠默默地道了别。 小老鼠是走了,但小老鼠实际上却又没走。


就在沃尔特·迪斯尼计划要制作一部新的卡通片,计划要塑造一个新的角色时,那只令他念念不忘的小老鼠就突然从他的脑海里蹦了出来。 沃尔特·迪斯尼先画了几张老鼠的草图,拿给奥比看。



这样,小老鼠就有了米奇这个名字。 在中国,小朋友所熟悉的“米老鼠”这三个字,其实就是从“米奇老鼠”简化而来;“米奇老鼠”按照英文的用法,就是“一只名叫米奇的老鼠”的意思。



他和伙伴们希望米老鼠是一个温柔可亲、善解人意,但也有些急躁粗心的小家伙;他很有正义感,喜欢打抱不平,常常不自量力,使自己身陷险境;他颇有些机智,也很勇敢,所以最后总能化险为夷;他还有淘气的一面,常常喜欢恶作剧,开一些无伤大雅的小玩笑。 对于米老鼠的真正来历,现在已经众说纷纭了。


3. 关于米老鼠的英语作文50词

I have the friend who is friends with specially, it is the Mickey Mouse, its appearance might be likeable. this Mickey Mouse it is putting on body golden yellow formal clothes, is gripping a white butterfly knot, on shiny black hair steadily a pair greatly round black ear. Has a white among o ears slightly according to turn. On a pink's face has a pair of pitch-black *** all eye, dark *** all circle nose upward. Possibly he also knew that he dresses up very much is attractive is sitting happily in that raises hand to cheer, looked at it red big mouth to ist the mouth sidewise cannot be closing up. Has a look at it that swollen to be pregnant again has a clock face. Oh, is a *** all alarm clock originally.。

4. 关于米老鼠的英语短文

I have the friend who is friends with specially, it is the Mickey Mouse, its appearance might be likeable. this Mickey Mouse it is putting on body golden yellow formal clothes, is gripping a white butterfly knot, on shiny black hair steadily a pair greatly round black ear. Has a white among o ears slightly according to turn. On a pink's face has a pair of pitch-black *** all eye, dark *** all circle nose upward. Possibly he also knew that he dresses up very much is attractive is sitting happily in that raises hand to cheer, looked at it red big mouth to ist the mouth sidewise cannot be closing up. Has a look at it that swollen to be pregnant again has a clock face. Oh, is a *** all alarm clock originally. Inside has 1 to 12 digit and four indicators, I act according to this clock face understanding time. It after death has o black slightly to turn on lathe turns, right side this uses for the time, left side that uses for to adjust the alarm clock. Not only this Mickey Mouse is much longer, and has helped me busily many. every morning one to 6:30, the Mickey Mouse automatically will exude the warning sound, then spread cuckoo's cry, if I have not gotten out of bed, it will treat me to be called “the lazybones to get out of bed! The lazybones get out of bed!”Until quarrelled I again also not to be able to fall asleep, had to crawl according to its top of the head push button. At this time it happily greets to me “early morning to be good!” Under the Mickey Mouse help, I have not been late in the morning. This is his merit! It is my good friend, I like it specially! (翻译:我有一个特别要好的朋友,它就是米老鼠,它的样子可讨人喜欢了。


一张粉红色的脸上有一对乌黑的小眼睛,黑乎乎的小圆鼻子往上 着。可能他也知道自己打扮得很漂亮正坐在那高兴的举手欢呼呢,瞧它那张红色的大嘴咧开着都合不拢了。

小荷作文网 e the main characters in Disneyland. They bring so much joy to the people. The father of Mickey Mouse Walt Disney created this lovely character with the funny story.米老鼠在全世界都非常受欢迎,自从它来到这个世界。


米老鼠之父沃尔特迪斯尼创造这个可爱的人物,有着有趣的故事。When Walt Disney was very young, he studied art in Chicago. He worked with another young artist in the old building. They often saw mice running in and out of the old building, so they had the idea to draw a cartoon mouse. The mouse was not look like the real mouse, it stood on o legs and had big eyes and ears. The most funny thing was that it wore white gloves its hands. 迪斯尼在年轻的时候,他在芝加哥学习艺术。



They called it Mickey, this is how the great cartoon character es. Soon this lovely and funny image got famous around the world. It appeared in the screen. The movie was favored by the children. Then it also appeared in the world's biggest entertainment park Disneyland and amused so many people. 他们称之为米奇,这就是这个伟大的卡通人物的由来。很快这个可爱和有趣的形象在世界各地都出名了。


然后它也出现在世界上最大的娱乐公园迪士尼乐园,逗乐了这么多人。Walt Disney is such great that he created a popular idol Mickey Mouse. 沃尔特?迪斯尼是如此之大,他创造了一个受欢迎的偶像米老鼠。
