

第1个回答  2013-12-29
1. First of all, the apple peeling, and then chopped 2.你怎样制作香蕉奶昔 2. You are going to the production of banana milkshake 3.给我那些水怎么样? 3. To me how that kind of water? 4.下一步把水倒进碗里 4. Next the water into the bowl 5.在顶上放些奶酪 5. Put some cheese on top 6.往牛奶里加点蜂蜜,然后喝了 6. To the point honey, milk, Riga, and then drank a 7.先把果汁机打开 7. First open fruit machines 8.他需要多少酱油? 8. He needs the number of soy sauce? 四茶匙 Four teaspoons 9.你喜欢夹有生菜的三明治吗? 9. Do you like the folders are lettuce sandwich? 10.这有份北京烤鸭的食谱 10. This is the recipe for those who have Beijing Roast Duck 11.最后再面包上放一些调料 11. Finally, put some bread sauce 12.你妈妈需要多少面包 12. Your mother how much bread 13.让我们做水果沙拉把。 13. Let us do the fruit salad. 14.你会煮饺子吗? 14. Dumplings you will cook it? 15.把爆米花放进爆米花机 15. The popcorn into the popcorn machine 16杯子里只有一点牛奶了,能让我再喝一些吗? 16 there is only one cup of milk, and let me have some再喝it? 17.把这些混合在一起,然后添加到奶酪中 17. To these mixed together, then add to cheese in 18.做这个比萨你切碎了几个洋葱? 18. To do this pizza a few chopped onions you? 19.在做奶昔之前检查一下所有的原料 19. Milkshake before doing all of the raw materials to check 20.请为我打开电视好吗? 20. Please turn on the TV for me please? 21.你怎样做水果沙拉? 21. You do fruit salad? 22.你在上面放了多少调料? 22. You put a number in the above sauce? 23然后放入两汤匙柠檬和一杯酸奶 23 and then Add a cup of lemon and 2 tablespoons yogurt