英语作文 假如你是高三学生李华 最近你顺利的考入理想中的大学——北京大学,根据以下要点给英语老

假如你是高三学生李华 最近你顺利的考入理想中的大学——北京大学,根据以下要点给英语老师黄老师写一封信
2 感谢黄老师在高中期间给你的帮助
3 对黄老师的评价
4 谈谈上大学以后的打算

第1个回答  2015-02-11
Dear Mr. Huang,
      How are you doing? I’m now so excited to tell you that I’ve been admitted into my ideal university — Peking University. Here I would like to say thanks to you for helping me with my English during the past several years, because without your help, I wouldn’t have been successful. You are one of the best teachers I have ever met. Kind and knowledgeable, you always have a way to make your classes lively and interesting. And I will never forget the happy time spent with you, as well as your encouragement. Dear Mr. Huang, I will make every effort to enrich my knowledge and improve my abilities at university so that I can serve our country in the future. 
      Best wishes!
      Li Hua本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-10-20
