

第1个回答  2024-06-16
Halloween, an autumnal celebration observed in the Western world, is celebrated annually on October 31st. The term "Halloween" translates to "holy evening" and precedes All Saints' Day. Although not a religious holiday, it predominantly involves children's activities.
**Traditions and Activities**
On Halloween, children carve large orange pumpkins, creating jack-o'-lanterns illuminated by burning candles. Costumes and masks are worn, and children go door-to-door exclaiming "Trick or treat!" to receive treats from adults. Halloween is also cherished by adults, who enjoy dressing up and attending parties, rekindling their sense of youth.
**Historical Origins**
The holiday's origins are multifaceted. Some historians link it to the Roman festival of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or the festival of the dead, Parentalia. However, it is most commonly associated with the Celtic festival of Samhain, meaning "summer's end." The name "Halloween" emerged in the 16th century, derived from the Scottish term All-Hallows-Even, referring to the eve of All Hallows Day.
**Cultural Significance**
Halloween's traditions have roots in Old English practices. The night before All Saints' Day, known as All-Hallows-Even, is when Halloween is celebrated. For millennia, people have marked the end of October with various festivals. The Celts celebrated Samhain, marking the conclusion of the harvest and the onset of winter until May. It was believed that fairies were especially active during this season.
**Additional Cultural Observances**
November 1st is All Saints' Day, and November 2nd is the Day of the Dead, a Mexican holiday. Halloween, or All Hallow's Eve, serves as the precursor to these significant dates, filled with fun, frolic, and a touch of fantasy.