求英语六级的大神帮我翻译一下这段话。千万不要网上在线翻译拉来给我!都有错的地方 拜托了~~~

但Barbara Gabler她的目的并不是弹琴,所以几乎不把精力花费在钢琴上,遭到了Pachelbel一再的责骂。Barbara Gabler心里委屈,但还是一直跟Pachelbel,希望Pachelbel能明白自己的心意。终于有一天Pachelbel对Barbara Gabler说:“你走吧,你真的不适合弹钢琴。而且你也不喜欢钢琴。”Barbara Gabler听后,对自己说:“不要说我不行!Pachelbel。我回去一定要好好弹琴,半年后我要拿到本地的钢琴第一名的!” 半年里,Barbara Gabler天天练习,饿了就叫家里的用人送些吃的,困了就趴着睡一会。半年一转眼就过去了,Barbara Gabler参加了比赛,果真的拿了奖。
•Barbara Gabler想拿这个奖杯去Pachelbel向他表达自己的爱意Pachelbel已经走了。当时正值战乱,Pachelbel被征去打仗,Barbara Gabler说:“好,我等他回来。”就这样Barbara Gabler等了Pachelbel3年多。 •  在这期间村长的儿子看上Barbara Gabler ,村长的儿子很清楚Barbara Gabler已经心有所属,就叫人从前线运回来一具碎尸体,说那就是Pachelbel,但没有人可以对证,Barbara Gabler相信Pachelbel真的已经死了,趴在"Pachelbel"的尸体上哭了3天3夜,那时,村长的儿子买了很多的礼物去找Barbara Gabler提亲,Barbara Gabler没有理睬。 •  在3天后晚上, Barbara Gabler割腕自杀了。而Pachelbel在Barbara Gabler离开的半年里,他发现没有Barbara Gabler在身边,自己少了很多很多的快乐。Pachelbel在Barbara Gabler离开后才发现原来自己已经不知不觉的爱Barbara Gabler,只是因为她学琴不努力所以就埋没了对她的喜欢。当时他准备写一首歌,做为向Barbara Gabler求婚的礼物,当他完成了卡农的1/3的时候。他被招去打仗了,在战乱中,自己的生命多次都是九死一生,每当心中不舒服的时候都会想到 Barbara Gabler,想到教她弹琴的日子......那段时光真是值得怀念啊。之后他完成了卡农剩下的2/3。
在Barbara Gabler自杀后了第2个月,Pachelbel回到了村里。他从村民的口中知道了Barbara Gabler的故事和她为自己做的所有事后,他咆哮着,放声大哭。他找到了Barbara Gabler的家人,问她现在葬在哪。她家里人都不肯告诉Pachelbel,随后的一次礼拜,Pachelbel招集他们村和Barbara Gabler村上所有的人,他坐在钢琴前强忍着泪水,弹出了卡农"Canon(D Major)”弹后,在场的所有人没有一个没有落泪的。 •  最后 Pachelbel 以同样的方式在同一所教堂里结束了自己的生命

第1个回答  2013-12-15
完全人工翻译 希望对你有帮助~最好检查一下其中的词汇拼写和语法=。。=
But the purpose of Barbara Gabler was not to play the piano,that's why she seldom spent time on piano,and her behavior had been blamed by Pachelbel for repeatedly.Although Barbara Gabler felt wronged in her deep heart,she kept being with Pachelbel,hoping that some day he would understand her love.Finally one day Pachelbel said to Barbara Gabler:"Please leave,you are not suitable for playing the piano.What's more, you do not like playing it."After hearing the words,Barbara Gabler told herself:"Don't say I can't,Pachelbel.I will spare no efforts practising playing the piano and I will eventually get the champion in the local competition half a year later."In this six months,Barbara Gabler insisted practising everyday,asking food from the family when hungry and having a tummy sleep when tired. How time flied,Barbara Gabler participated in the competition and got the champion as expected.
Barbara Gabler would like to express her love to Pachelbel but he had already left.It was in war time,Pachelbel was recruited for the army.Barbara Gabler decided to wait for Pachelbel's return.And the wait had lasted for 3 years.In this period,the son of village head fell in love with Barbara Gabler.He knew clearly that Barbara Gabler was involved with someone else so he asked someone to get a body from the frontline and defined that was Pachelbel.With no one to verify,Barbara Gabler believed his words and she had been crying on the body for 3 whole days.At the same time,the son of village head bought many gifts and proposed marriage to Barbara Gabler but she refused.
After that 3 days,Barbara Gabler suicieded by cutting wrists.As for Pachelbel,he found the loss of happiness without being with Barbara Gabler in that six months as well as realized his crush on Barbara Gabler after her leave.He hid his love due to her inexertion.During that time,he was composing a song for the marriage proposal to Barbara Gabler.When he accomplished 1/3 of the song,he was forced to be in the recruit.During the war time,he had been in danger for many times.He thought of the unforgetable time teaching Barbara Gabler,which were all valuable memories worth cherishing.After that he completed the rest of his song.
Pachelbel returned to the village when two months had past after the death of Barbara Gabler.After being told by the villagers what Barbara Gabler's story and all the things she had done for him,he shouted and cried himself out.He asked Barbara Gabler's family where she was buried but they refused to tell him.And in a following salah,Pachelbel gathered all the villagers from both his and Barbara Gabler's village,played "Canon(D Major)” with tears in his eyes in front of all villagers.All the people were deeply moved with tears sheding.

In the end,Pachelbel finished his life in the same way and in the same church as Barbara Gabler did.追问

谢谢~你们两个都很棒 我也想给你分
这样吧我再提一个问题 把分给你好吗




大神 我提问了 你能搜一下吗 题目是 那个四级的大神七鸢季。 你只要回答me就行 谢谢啦

第2个回答  2013-12-14
But Barbara Gabler her purpose is not to play the piano, so almost don't spend energy on the piano, scolded by Pachelbel repeatedly. Barbara Gabler injustice in my heart, but always with Pachelbel, hope to know your heart Pachelbel. Finally one day Pachelbel to Barbara Gabler said: "you go, you really are not suitable for playing the piano. And you don't like piano." Barbara Gabler after listen to, say to yourself: "don't say I can't! Pachelbel. Must I go back to play the piano well, after six months I want to get the local piano first!" Six months, Barbara Gabler practice everyday, hungry just call of choose and employ persons to send some food in the home, tired lie prone to sleep. Then suddenly the past six months, Barbara Gabler took part in the game, if get the prize.
? Barbara Gabler want to get this trophy to Pachelbel Pachelbel already in to express their love
第3个回答  2013-12-14
第4个回答  2013-12-15
But Barbara Gabler didn't intend to play the piano,so she scarcely put

efforts on it.Pachelbel scolded her for it many times.BG felt being

wronged ,but she didn't quit in case P could finally understand her

heart.One day, P said to BG,"You should leave,you're really not suitable

for plaing the piano,and neither do you love it."But BG said to

herself,"Don't say I can't!P.I'm gonna play hard when I'm home,and I'm

gonna get the local first prize in half a year!"Then during the six

months,BG played everyday,with food casually sent by the maid when she

was hungry and with little sleep.Time flews,BG participated the match

and got the prize as wished.
BG took the cup with her to show P how she loved him,only to find out

that he had already gone.It was a time of war,and he was recruited to

fight the battle.And BG said,"OK,I'll wait for him."So she waited for 3

years.During the time ,the son of the village chief was attracted by her,and

he knew her heart belong to P.So he had someone sent a body in pieces

from the frontline and made her believe that the unconfirmed body was

P.She cried over the body for three days and three nights.The son of the

chief bought a lot of presents and asked her to marry him.But she

ignored him.On the third night,she killed herself by slitting her

wrists.And P,in that six months,with the absence of BG,found himself

lost a lot of happiness.After BG left,P started to find out that he had

fell in love with her before he realized it.Only her lack of effort

covered his love to her.He planned to write a song as present when

making the proposal.He was recruited when he had just finished 1/3 of

the Canon.On the battlefield,he brushed against the death so many times.He thought about BG

every time when he was in a bad mood.The days he taught her how to play the

piano----a forever memorable time.Then he finished the remaining 2/3 of

2 months after BG killed herself,P returned the village.After being told

what happened to BG and what she did for him,he roared and burst into

tears.He found her family and asked where she was buried.But they didn't

want to tell him.On the next weekday,he raised everyone from his and

BG'S village.He sat down before the piano with tears in his eyes and

began to play Canon in D major.Everybody wept.In the end,P ended his

life in the same way in the same church.