

第1个回答  2014-05-16
待 [dāi,dài] deal with entertain stay treat delay . 展开《新汉英大辞典》
. 折叠《新汉英大辞典》 待 [dāi] 动词 (停留) stay: 例句: Children shouldn't stay out after dark.
孩子们天黑后不应待在户外。 He stayed in Beijing for ten days.
他在北京待了10天。 待 [dài] 动词 1. (对待) treat; deal with: 例句: treat people hospitably and kindly;
待人热情友好 You should deal with him more politely.
你应该待他更客气些。 2. (招待) entertain: 例句: She entertained her guests handsomely.
她待客很慷慨。 3. (等待) wait for; await: 例句: a problem awaiting solution; an outstanding issue;
尚待解决的问题 have yet to be improved
有待改进 4. (需要) need: 例句: This goes without saying.; This is taken for granted.
自不待言。 5. (要; 打算) going to; about to: 例句: swallow what one was about to say;
待说不说 I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.
我正待睡觉, 电话响了。 以上来源于: 《新汉英大辞典》
网络释义展开 折叠 待通知.. 1. to be agreed 商务英语常用缩略语表 ...
T.B. trial balance 试算表
t.b.a. to be advised; to be agreed; to be announced; to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排
t.b.d. to be determined 待(决定) ... www.tradeve.com- 基于352个网页 2. t.b.a. to be advised 常用缩略语表 ...
T.B. trial balance 试算表
t.b.a. to be advised; to be agreed; to be announced; to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排
t.b.d. to be determined 待(决定) ... langzhong.net- 基于350个网页 3. to be arranged 商务英语常用缩略语表 ...
T.B. trial balance 试算表
t.b.a. to be advised; to be agreed; to be announced; to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排
t.b.d. to be determined 待(决定) ... www.tradeve.com- 基于316个网页 4. to be announced ...
T.B. trial balance 试算表
t.b.a. to be advised; to be agreed; to be announced; to be arranged 待通知;待同意;待宣布;待安排
t.b.d. to be determined 待(决定) ...
第2个回答  2014-05-16
第3个回答  2014-05-16