

第1个回答  2022-07-27


Who are you? Who are you with?


These two questions determine what your life is going to be like.


There is a very popular saying on Weibo: Your level is the average of the five people you come into contact with most often.


The more thoughtful and advanced the people you interact with, the faster your abilities will grow and the more opportunities you will have.


The more positive and optimistic the people you associate with, the more interesting your life will be and the better off you will be.


One takes on the color of one's company. The influence of environment on a person is imperceptible, from quantitative change to qualitative change.

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When you are with a reliable person, you don't have to worry about "making up the pot" for him from time to time, let alone worrying about him "picking him halfway", just two words when you are with him: don't worry.


At this time, everyone can have more energy to focus on their own things, and the joint force formed before can accomplish bigger things.


That's why many startups include the word "reliable" in their hiring requirements.


A person's greatest ability is to make people feel safe and reliable.


Whether in work or in life, once they start something, they stick to it and do it to the best of their ability.


Here are 8 little things you can tell if someone is trustworthy:


Being responsive, not taking advantage of others, being punctual, doing what you say you're going to do, not bragging, being emotionally stable, having a bottom line, and being able to execute.


When a system bug is handed to a technical master, we say "this person is reliable", which means we trust his professional level.


When communicating with customers, we say "this person is reliable", because we believe that he will be able to act appropriately.


Reliable people, have ability, have responsibility, do not drag others back, with the intersection, save worry and effort.


As the saying goes, "Talk to smart people and work with good people."


In this world, there are many smart people, but few reliable people. To be with the right people is your greatest blessing.


Be a responsible adult. I hope you have the confidence and ability to say to those around you, "Don't worry, I'm here for you."

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Facing the same thing, people with different mentality deal with it in completely different ways.


Spending time with a positive person will lead to a positive attitude toward life. You may never know what happiness is with someone who complains and makes fun of you all the time.


There is no better illustration of how important it is to surround yourself with motivated people than a college dorm room. This point, I think many people feel deeply.


A few years ago, a male dormitory in Sichuan University became a hot search on Weibo: 6 male students got 17 offers of postgraduate guarantee.


One of them gave up the offer of Tsinghua university and prepared to go abroad. 2 to Tsinghua university, 1 to Peking University, 1 to Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1 to Wuhan University.


Among the six, four ranked first in their majors for three consecutive years. One gave a lecture at Stanford University, another won a global gold medal in the International Genetic Engineering Machine Competition, and another worked as an interpreter for foreign ambassadors in China at the Central Asia Forum.


"Of course there are times when you want to give up, but when someone slacks off, the other brothers remind them and help them out," they said. The process was painful, but it was worth it for the end result.


So you see, when you're in a good group, you're in an upwardly mobile environment, and you're surrounded by people who are trying hard, you're going to look at yourself and improve yourself with relatively strict standards.


The biggest fear is that you were excellent, but because of the negative people around you, you lack upward pressure, lose the motivation to move forward, and become vulgar, so mediocre.


It's like your sense of taste ADAPTS to a food.


If you eat the same food at every meal, over time, your sense of taste will adapt to it and become addicted to it. When you need something to eat, that's the first thing that comes to mind.


When you are with disciplined people, you will never let yourself fall. Surround yourself with positive people so you don't drift into mediocrity.

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In work and life, although more depends on personal learning, but if you have a good leader, a good guide, will definitely make your progress faster.


Many job interview tips say, "When changing jobs, in addition to the company's benefits and career development, you must look at your leader. See if he is able to help you and if he is willing to help you."


We-media author Mr. Yan has worked for Huawei for many years. He wrote about his first job in this article, and the leadership helped him.


"I still vividly remember that afternoon 12 years ago. I was standing in the office of my superior, Lao Lu, waiting for his verdict."


At that time, Yan had just started working for a year. As a young man, he wrote a crazy article poking fun at the customer by name and then sent it to everyone in the department.


Because it is too realistic, the article caused a frenzy of internal forwarding.


The leader, Lou lu, stepped in with a sternly worded working email to stem the spread.


However, later in the office, Lu surprised Yan by saying, "I've been working in the communications industry for nearly ten years. You are the most talented article writer I've ever seen. Someday, maybe you'll make a living out of it.


Just, next time, be vague about the key information, don't give anyone an excuse, and don't get yourself or your company in trouble for it."


"I never thought that ten years later, I would be able to earn a living just by writing articles," said Yan. This prediction was made by my first superior when I was in great trouble."


"Lou lu has completely changed my stereotype of managers as being simple and abrasive. That's why my first job profoundly shaped my work ethic and values. Looking back, it was the greatest blessing of my career."


Therefore, many choices a person makes when he or she is young are not just a job or a thing, but a habit of thinking, a way of working, values and even a way of life.

在初入职场、初入 社会 的几年,处于何种工作环境、跟谁一起工作、被谁辅导工作,足以影响你的下半辈子。

The environment you work in, with whom you work, and whom you are mentored in those first years of your career and life can affect the rest of your life.


From now on, don't fall for the lie that "it's the same who you're with." Stand tall so you can see farther and see more.


You have no right to determine the height of your birth, but you have the right to determine who stands next to you and your environment.

余生不长,和不一样的人在一起,就会有不一样的人生。 和优秀的人同行,能帮助你遇见更好的自己。爱情婚姻也如此,家庭事业也如此,人生道路也如此。

The rest of my life is not long, and different people together, will have a different life. Hanging out with great people will help you meet a better version of yourself. So is love and marriage, so is family and career, so is life path.


It does matter who you're with.
