

第1个回答  2022-07-28
like [laik]
v.喜欢 n.[ pl.]相似(物) prep.像 a.相像的
喜欢 [xǐ huan]to like to be fond of like jubilation have a mark on have a liking for liked take shine to take enjoyment in take a pleasure in a liking for take a fancy to take a liking to be no enemy to keen on have a fancy for admire
相似 [xiāng sì]like similar resemblance to resemble similarity likeness kindred similarily similitude semblable semblance match resemble parallel conformity analogy parallelism equiform analogousness conform
像 [xiàng]look like portrait seem resemble similar (to) appearance elephant to look to appear to seem image statue simulacrum resemblance as effigy imagery picture
相像 [xiāng xiàng]be like resemblance likeness