

第1个回答  2022-10-29

Tyndall will use a different syllabus for later pilots
廷德尔空军基地将为后来的飞行员准备一份不同的 训练大纲 。

8 the copy of fpght training center training program and curricula , including the syllabus , core curriculum and specialty curriculum
8飞行训练中心 训练大纲 及课程,包括计划课程所用的提纲核心课程或特殊课程的副本

Krumm : the first few pilots who learn to fly the raptor at nelps and tyndall will use the same pilot training syllabus we used here for diot & e
克拉姆:最初在内尔尼斯和廷德尔空军基地学习如何驾驶猛禽的少数飞行员将使用和我们这里训练试飞员一样的飞行员 训练大纲 。

Article 44 mass organizations for air defense shall carry out speciapzed training in accordance with the training program and plans formulated by the petent departments for civil air defense
第四十四条群众防空组织应当根据人民防空主管部门制定的 训练大纲 和训练计划进行专业训练。

These include support to the office of the civipan provisional authority ( ocpa ) with staff and technical support , training support to the new iraqi army training program , and training support to us miptary forces
其中包括支持该办公室的文职临时权力机构( ocpa )的人员和技术支持,培训支持对伊拉克新军的 训练大纲 和训练支援美军部队

Before inspection and certification , the training centers training program and parts of curriculum should already obtain the temporary approval , instructor and evaluator have been certified , the fpght training equipments used are able to meet the requirement of ccar - 142 training
在实施验证检查前,训练中心的 训练大纲 或部分课程应当已获得临时批准,教员和检查员已得到认可,所使用的飞行训练设备可以满足ccar 142部训练的要求。
