谁帮编一段大学英语口试对话1 到2分钟左右

Situation: Student A finds English is rather hard to him. After the exam, student A looks unhappy, for he can’t do well in English. But student B is good at English, so student A wants to learn from student B the way to learn English.
Student A: tell student B your worry, your weak point in English.
Student B: try to arouse student A’s interest in English; introduce learning methods, for example: preview before the class, watch English film, speak with English-speaking people, read English books……………

第1个回答  2014-06-18
(The bell rings, class is over)
B: Oh. You looked unhappy. What happened?
A: English is so hard for me. I don’t knowhow to learn well. I don’t know the grammar, I don’t know the answers to the questionedon the text book. I can’t even read well. I’m feeling bad now.
B: Yeah, I understand. But I think you’redoing well. Believe me.
A: Why do you say so?
B: See. In your complaints, you mentionedgrammar, answers and reading too. That means you’re concentrating on Englishlearning. But I think you just need to change the order of these three words.Reading goes first to help feel comfortable and familiar in the English world,then comes the grammar and answer. But there are 2 things I think you need to paymore attention: effective method and good attitude.
A: Hmm. Sounds reasonable. My attitude isnot good enough.
B: You could listen to English music, findout your favorite singers, feel his feelings of every words and watch Englishfilms. By the way, I like Thomas Cruise a lot. I believe youwould definitely love him.
A: Yes. I could start from the movie,. Ilike watching movie.
B: Yeah. And keep in mind that when you’re watchingpay attention to their expressions, their tones. Always imitate them andpractice more.
A: Ok. I will. It really helps talking toyou. I’m feeling much better now. Thank you, really.
B: You’re welcome. Shall we go to the moviethis weekend?
A: That would be great.