

第1个回答  2022-10-16



1. Pay debt

(1) Pay off 偿清债务 (2) Pay back 偿还欠债

2. Use savings

(1) Dip into 从(自己的储蓄)中取出钱 (2) Break into 动用(应急储备物资)

3. Have just enough

(1) Get by 勉强过活 (2) Scrape by 过得去

4. Save

(1) Save up 存钱 (2) Put aside 放到一边、储存

5. Spend money

(1) Fork over 不情愿付出 (2) Cough up 被迫付出 (3) Shell out 付钱

6. Finish the story

Last week, Mr. E’s TV stopped working and he needed to _____ ______ $400 for a new one.

E先生的电视上周坏掉了,他必须花400元买一台新的电视。 He had been _____ _____ money for a new car.

他已经为了买一台新车而存钱。 Mr. E had to _____ _____ his savings to get the money for the new TV. E先生现在必须动用他的存款才能购买新的电视。 It actually cost $500 so the next week he had to _____ _____ on $20 a day. 而且他实际上花了500元,所以在下一周,他必须每天只花20元。

7. 答案

(1) Cough up (2) Saving up (3) Dip into (4) Get by

break into, cough up, dip into, fork over, get by, pay back, pay off, put aside, save up, scrape by, shell out, 付钱 英文, 存钱 英文, 还钱 英文, 钱 英文, 钱 英文片语
