

第1个回答  2022-07-01

  A diploma is more important than experience in job-seeking.


  Knowledge is a key factor in ones future. Without being well-educated, you are not able to do many jobs which need special and professional knowledge and skills. Therefore, a diploma can be a benchmark to judge a persons ability.


  In my opinion, exerience can be gained gradually after graduation. However, for some professional knowledge, the situation is totally different. Sometimes, it will take a long time to absorb(理解) and need a teachers guidance. When you enter the working field , you will have a limited time to study. Therefore, I think as a student, the most important thing for us is to achieve a higher degree which can be an advantage for us to compete with others.


  Experience is more important than a diploma in job-seeking.


  Nowadays, more and more employers tend to employ those people who have relative experience with their future jobs. Therefore, in order to gain a comprative(相当的) edge in job-seeking, we should pay more attention to gain experience than to pursue a high degree.


  A high degree does not stand for strong ability in job performance. However, with more experience in working, we can realize(意识到) which skills are needed and which ones are not, and we can learn with a certain and clear objective(目标), But we have no such a clear objective when are at school. Most students waste a lot of time on some courses which are not necessary in their future jobs.

  高学历并不代表在工作中的高能力。然而,如果我们有更多的经验,我们就会意识到哪些技能是我们需要的,哪些是我们不需要的,从而我们就有了一个明确的目标。但是我们在上学的时候是不会在有这样清晰的目标的。许多学生在一些对以后的工作没有帮助的课程上浪费了很多的时间。 ;