

第1个回答  2009-12-07
Three-dimensional model vinyl chloride chloroethylene
Vinyl chloride, also known as vinyl chloride (Vinyl chloride) is an important chemical used in polymer monomer, ethylene or acetylene can be obtained. Is a colorless, easily liquefied gases, boiling point -13.9 ℃, the critical temperature of 142 ℃, the critical pressure of 5.22MPa. Vinyl chloride is a toxic substances, liver, and long-term inhalation and exposure to vinyl chloride related. It is the formation of explosive mixtures with air, explosive limits of 4% ~ 22% (volume), under pressure more explosions, storage and transportation must pay attention and nitrogen sealed airtight container, and should add a small amount of inhibitor.
Technical Manual Code: 64
CAS No.: 75-01-4
Molecular formula: C2H3Cl
Structural formula: CHCl = CH2
Molecular Weight: 62.50
Hazardous materials ingredients CAS No.
≥ 99.99% 75-01-4 Vinyl chloride
Main components: content: Purity ≥ 99.99%.
Appearance: colorless, with ether-like odor of gas.
pH: meaningless
Melting point (℃): -159.8
Boiling point (℃): -13.4
Relative density (water = 1): 0.91
Relative vapor density (air = 1): 2.15
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 346.53 (25 ℃)
Heat of combustion (kJ / mol): Not available
Critical Temperature (℃): 142
Critical Pressure (MPa): 5.60
Octanol / water partition coefficient as log Pow: 1.38
Flash point (℃): meaningless
Ignition temperature (℃): 415
Explosive limit% (V / V): 31.0
Explosive limit% (V / V): 3.6
[Edit this paragraph] health hazard

Toxicological information

Acute toxicity: LD50: 500 mg / kg (rat oral)
LC50: Not available
Sub-acute and chronic toxicity: acute toxicity expressed as narcotic effect; Long-term exposure can cause vinyl chloride disease. Acute poisoning: mild poisoning, the patient developed dizziness, chest tightness, drowsiness, staggering gait, etc.; severe poisoning can occur coma, convulsions and even death. Skin contact with liquid vinyl chloride can cause erythema, edema, or necrosis. Chronic poisoning: the performance of the neurasthenic syndrome, hepatomegaly, abnormal liver function, digestive dysfunction, Raynaud's phenomenon and acral osteolytic disease. The skin may appear dry, chapped, scaling, eczema and so on.
Irritant: No Data
Allergenicity: no information
Mutagenicity: No information
Teratogenicity: No information
Carcinogenicity: This product carcinogens, can cause liver angiosarcoma

Aid measures

Contact with the skin: immediately stripped of contaminated clothing, use soap and water thoroughly washed skin. Medical treatment.
Eye contact: Did eyelid, mobile or saline irrigation water. Medical treatment.
Inhalation: rapidly from the scene to fresh air. To maintain airway patency. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If breathing stops, artificial respiration immediately. Medical treatment.
Ingestion: Not available


Operation Note: closed operation, fully ventilated. The operator must go through specialized training, strict compliance with operating procedures. Proposed operators wear filter respirators (half-mask), wearing protective chemical safety glasses, wear anti-static overalls, wearing gloves against chemicals. Away from fire, heat source, smoking is prohibited in the workplace. Use explosion-proof ventilation systems and equipment. To prevent gas leakage to the workplace air. Avoid contact with oxidants. In the transmission process, the cylinders and containers must be grounded and cross-access to prevent static electricity. Carrying, light pack light disposal to prevent damage cylinder and accessories. Equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire-fighting equipment and spill contingency processing equipment.
Stored in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Away from fire and heat sources. Base temperature should not exceed 30 ℃. Oxidants should be stored separately and avoid mixing reservoir. Use of explosion-proof lighting, ventilation facilities. Prohibit the use of easy to produce spark machinery and tools. Storage areas should be equipped with spill contingency processing equipment.

Transport Information

Dangerous Goods code: 21037
UN Number: 1086
Packaging flag:
Packing Group: O52
Packing: Steel cylinder; frosted glass or threaded mouth mouth glass bottles outside the ordinary wooden; ampoule bottles ordinary wooden; thread mouth bottle, Lid pressure mouth glass bottles, plastic bottle or metal drums (tank) outside the Ordinary wooden.
Transportation Note: railway transportation should be strictly in accordance with the Ministry of Railways, "Transport of Dangerous Goods Rules" in the dangerous goods equipped with equipped with tables. Using just bottles of transportation must wear helmets on the cylinder. Cylinder generally flat and the bottle should be in the same direction, non-overlapping; height shall not exceed the vehicle fence boards, and with a triangular wooden mat card firmly to prevent rolling. Transport The transport vehicles should be equipped with the appropriate variety and quantity of fire equipment. Shipment of the goods vehicle exhaust pipes must be equipped with fire retardant devices, easy to produce sparks ban on the use of mechanical handling equipment and tools. Is strictly prohibited and oxidants, food chemicals, etc. mixed mixed transport. Summer should be sooner or later, transport, to prevent sun exposure. Stopovers should be away from fire and heat sources. According to the provisions of highway transportation routes is prohibited in residential areas and densely populated areas to stay. Railway transportation to prohibit the slide release.

Leak Emergency

Emergency treatment: rapid withdrawal from air leakage supremacy of the wind Department staff, and isolation and strict restrictions on access. Cut off the fire source. Recommended emergency personnel wearing positive pressure self-contained breathing apparatus, wear anti-static clothing. Cut off the source of leakage as much as possible. With industrial coating, or adsorption / absorbent cover the drains near the leak, preventing the gas to enter. Reasonable ventilation, accelerated proliferation. Spray water dilution, dissolved. To build a causeway or trenching asylum of large quantities of wastewater. If possible, the residual gas or leakage of gas sent to the washing machine with the exhaust tower or towers connected to the ventilation hood. Leaking containers should be properly handled, repair, testing and then use.

Access restrictions

Occupational exposure limit
Chinese MAC (mg/m3): 30
Former Soviet Union, MAC (mg/m3): 5 / 1
TLVTN: ACGIH 5ppm, 13mg/m3
TLVWN: no standard-setting
Monitoring methods: gas chromatography
Project control: production process sealed, fully ventilated.
Respiratory protection: concentration in air overweight, wearing a gas mask filter type (half-mask). Emergency rescue or evacuation, it is recommended to wear air respirator.
Eye protection: Wear protective chemical safety glasses.
Physical protection: wear anti-static clothing.
Hand Protection: Wear chemical proof gloves.
Other Protection: Work-site smoking. The implementation of pre-employment and periodic medical examinations. Into the tank, restricted space or other high concentration area operations, somebody must care.
[Edit this paragraph] environmental hazards

Ecological Information

Eco-toxicological Toxicity: No information
Biodegradation: No information
Non-biodegradable nature: no information
Bioconcentration or bioaccumulation of: No Data
Other harmful effects: vinyl chloride in the environment can participate in photochemical smog reactions, because of its highly volatile, easily photolysis in the atmosphere, can also be biodegradable and chemical degradation, that can be destroyed by specific flora, can also by oxygen in the air by the oxidation of anisole, benzene, formaldehyde and a small amount of ethanol.

Waste Disposal

Waste properties:
Waste disposal method: dispose of by burning. And fuel mix, and then burned. Incinerator emissions of hydrogen halide through the acid scrubber to remove.
Waste Note: No data
[Edit this paragraph] Fire-fighting measures
Hazardous characteristics: flammable mixture with air can form explosive mixtures. Case of heat and open flame burning risk of explosion. Combustion can occur with or without radical polymerization inhibitors. Its vapor is heavier than air and can spread to the lower office quite far away, in a fire ignition source will fire back.
Hazardous combustion products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride.
Fire fighting methods: cut off the gas source. If it is not cut off the gas supply, then not allowed to extinguish the flames of the spill. Water cooling containers, if possible to move containers from the scene empty Department. Fire-extinguishing agent: mist of water, foam, carbon dioxide.
Smoking is strictly prohibited. The implementation of pre-employment and periodic medical examinations. Into the tank, restricted space or other high concentration area operations, somebody must care.
[Edit this section] and regulations
REGULATORY INFORMATION Chemical Dangerous Goods Safety Management Regulations (February 17, 1987 the State Council issued), the chemical Dangerous Goods Safety Management Regulations implementing rules (of the Labor Fa [1992] No. 677), the provisions of the workplace safe use of chemicals ([1996] LO No. 423 Department of fat) and other regulations for the safe use of hazardous chemicals, production, storage, transport, handling, etc. are made by the corresponding provisions; commonly used classification of dangerous chemicals and signs (GB 13690-92) the material designated as Class 2.1 flammable gases.
