

第1个回答  2024-05-29

Simplified Overview of沈阳市沈河区文艺路第二小学

Situated in the沈河区, the沈河区文艺路第二小学 was established in 1964. Over the past four decades, the school has steadfastly upheld the principles of "seeking truth, being practical, and striving for excellence." Through a commitment to growth and innovation, it has evolved from a standard institution into a thriving educational hub, boasting 48 classrooms, 2,381 students, and 139 dedicated teachers.

Focused on continuous improvement and innovation, the school has set its sights on nurturing a nurturing environment where students can flourish, teachers can grow, and a harmonious atmosphere prevails. Equally important, the school invests in both physical facilities (hardware) and educational resources (software). In 2004, it earned recognition as沈阳市沈河外语实验学校, becoming the only public institution in the city to bear dual affiliations.

The沈河区文艺路第二小学 boasts a highly skilled and dedicated teaching staff. Among them, one is recognized as a沈阳市教育专家, three are沈阳市学科带头人, one is a沈阳市名师, three have achieved national excellence in teaching, 18 are辽宁省优秀, and 27 are沈阳市优秀. This team demonstrates their commitment to excellence and professionalism.

Over the years, the school has garnered numerous accolades, including the National Women's Model Work Unit, National Model Unit for Creativity in Education, a base for the China Education Research Society, and provincial honours such as辽宁省文明单位,先进党支部, and德育工作先进单位. Additionally, it is recognized as a辽宁省 Electronics Education Advanced Unit, highlighting its dedication to integrating technology into the educational process.
