
1丶Hi,wang xin,nice to meet you!
hi,liu hui,_________
a,nice to meet you too b,how do you do? 才,I'm fine,thank you.
2,i can show you around,if you like.
a, ican't wait b, sure,thank you c,let's go
3,tomorrw will be fine,shall we go out for a pinceic?
a, sounds grea! b,good luck! c, have fun!
4, happy new year!
a, really. b, thank you. c,the same to you.
5, hi! how are you doing?
a,that's all right. b,how are you doing? c,i'm doing well.
()6,They work in the same company and they are ___with each other.
a,good b,familiar c,interested
()7,social workers should learn how to________people
a,look at b,look into c,look after
()8,they______some social work at the weekends.
a,do b,does c,did
()9,they must try to_______the boundaries of knowledge.
a,extend b,increase c,enrich
()10,well,i hope you______,coming to the Party tomorrow afternoon.
a,are all b,all are c,all

第1个回答  2017-06-17
1丶Hi,wang xin,nice to meet you!
hi,liu hui,_________本回答被网友采纳