

第1个回答  2016-05-28

Integrated Skills of English Book 1 Unit 1--15
Lesson 1 Half a Day
Lesson 2 Going Home
Lesson 3 Message of the Land
Lesson 4 The boy and The Bank Officer
Lesson 5 Angels on a Pin
Lesson 6 The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street
Lesson 7 Mandela’s Garden
Lesson 8 My Personal Manager
Lesson 9 Against All Odds
Lesson 10 The Green Banana
Lesson 11 The Midnight Visitor
Lesson 12 The Kindness of Strangers
Lesson 13 Christmas Day in the Morning
Lesson 14 After Twenty Years
Lesson 15 Touched by The Moon
本册15单元,每单元分三部分。听说:主要侧重常用的交际功能,并提供大量的口语常用句型,使学生能在预定场合较得体地表达语言功能。阅读:指导学生在深刻理解课文的基础上能复述大意,回答问题,并展开相关讨论。扩展性训练;包括听写,阅读,翻译及写作等;此外,教师还应注意培养学生写作水平,适时提供有控制的练习与自由写作。 Integrated Skills of English Book 2 Unit 1--15
Lesson 1 Another School Year—What For
Lesson 2 Maheegun My Brother
Lesson 3 More Crime And Less Punishment
Lesson 4 The Nightingale And the Rose
Lesson 5 Say Yes
Lesson 6 The Man in the Water
Lesson 7 The Greatest Invention
Lesson 8 Psychologically Speaking
Lesson 9 Quick Fixed Society
Lesson 10 The Richer ,The poorer
Lesson 11 You Have to Get me out of Here
Lesson 12 Confession of a Miseducated Man
Lesson 13 Blueprint for Success
Lesson 14 Space Shuttle Challenger
Lesson 15 The Riddle of Time
在一册基础上第二册继续加强对听说读写技能的全面练习,其中;听说部分;学生自主性增强,口语练习从有控制的对话逐渐过度到半开放训练,并新增1分钟看图说话。语法改错属新增内容,要求学生在学习语言知识的同时,提高语法知识方面的辨别能力。写作;为巩固所学知识,开阔学生视野,增加了扩展性训练,进行有控制的练习单句,回答问题,评论,仿写段落等。 Lesson 1 Your College Years
Lesson 2 Discovery of a Father
Lesson 3 Michael Dell’s Two-Dollar Dream
Lesson 4 Wisdom of Bear Wood
Lesson 5 Twelve Angry Men (1)
Lesson 6 Twelve Angry Men (2)
Lesson 7 The Rival
Lesson 8 We’re only Human
Lesson 9 The Dill Pickle
Lesson 10 Diogenes and Alexander
Lesson 11 Silent Spring
Lesson 12 The Need that Drive Us All
Lesson 13 In May Day
Lesson 14 Mercy at Appomatto
Lesson 15 The President as Corporate Salesman
与前两册相比,第三册听说训练有教大改变,重点在口语交际的综合性训练上,指导学生就某一问题进行扩展性的综合练习,并灵活完成规定的语言交际任务。阅读方面,新增课文大意归纳与段落大意归纳练习,应对此着重训练。写作方面,从本册开始练习段落写作,并教授基本的写作知识。 Lesson 1 Thinking as a Hobby
Lesson 2 Waiting for the Police
Lesson 3 Why Historians Disagree
Lesson 4 A Drink in the Passage
Lesson 5 Man of the Moment
Lesson 6 Groundless Belief
Lesson 7 Spring Sowing
Lesson 8 Globalization’s Dual Power
Lesson 9 The Most Dangerous Game
Lesson 10 The telephone
Lesson 11 The Pen of My Aunt
Lesson 12 Lions and Tigers and Bears
Lesson 13 Soldier’s Heart
Lesson 14 How do we Deal With the Drug Problem
Lesson 15 The Damned Human Race
