英语翻译求人工翻译,The most famous and delicious kind of mushroom is?


第1个回答  2022-11-05

在乡下,哪里有很多种水果可以采摘。在六月你会发现野生的草莓。...,0,块菌是一种最负盛名也很美味的菌类。它生长在森林的地下,尤其多见于意大利和法国,非常难找。农民们经常带着狗或猪出去寻找块菌。当这些动物变得兴奋并且开始刨地的时候,他们就知道地下有块菌,于是便非常仔细的挖掘起来。块菌极具价值,它们颜色各异,有黑色 浅灰色或者白色。
The most famous and delicious kind of mushroom is the truffle(块菌).It grows underground in forests,especially in Italy and France.It is very difficult to find.Farmers usually go out with dogs or pigs.When the animals get excited and start to dig,they know that there are truffles underground.They dig them up very carefully.Truffles are very valuable.They can be black or light brown or white.
In the countryside,there are lots of different fruits to pick.In June you may find wild strawberries.The best time to look for them is in the evening.If you walk around in woods,sometimes you will *** ell them before you see them.The blackberry(黑莓) is also well liked.It grows wild round the edges of fields in September and early October.Blackberries are black and *** all and very sweet.You can eat them as they are with sugar and cream.Or you can cook them for four minutes with some sugar and a little lemon juice.You can also make a very good jam(果酱) with them.