

第1个回答  2014-01-10
By Susan Miller
  After many weeks of career activities and pressures, this month will offer you a lovely oasis of warm and fun social time with friends. Mars will brighten your solar eleventh house of friendship / new faces and lively events, so you will have plenty of reason to get out of the house and kick up dust. What makes the coming trend so exciting is that Venus will orbit close to her lover Mars, which is a dramatic advantage for you. This means that you'll enjoy the timeout - it will be special in some ways - and that you will have a chance to make the acquaintance of many new people.
  You may want to venture out with pals on June 8, when Venus and Pluto will be so beautifully angled.      
  If you are working to finish talks about a contract, you will find that getting accord is a bit harder than you anticipated. Allow for more time - and figure on having more calls with your lawyer, too.      
第2个回答  2014-01-10
There's travel in your future when your tongue freezes to the back of a speeding bus
Fill that void in your pathetic life by playing Whack-A-Mole seventeen hours a day
Try to avoid any Virgos or Leos with the Ebola virus
You are the true Lord of the Dance, no matter what those idiots at work say
The look on your face will be priceless when you find that forty pound watermelon in your colon
Trade toothbrushes with an albino dwarf, then give a hickey to Meryl Streep
You will never find true happiness - what you gonna do, cry about it?
The stars predict tomorrow you'll wake up, do a bunch of stuff, and then go back to sleep
Your birthday party will be ruined once again by your explosive flatulence
Your love life will run into trouble when your fiance hurls a javelin through your chest
The position of Jupiter says you should spend the rest of the week face down in the mud
Try not to shove a roll of duct tape up your nose while taking your driver's test