人口增长造成的结果 英文版


第1个回答  推荐于2017-12-16

The human population has continued to grow through the decades. The increasingly large number of people that have become apart of the world population has become a major problem. The consequences of the world being over populated has numerous effects which include: Environmental effects, depletion of natural resources, effects on the economy, food and water instability, and mass species extinction. Without a solution to the rise in human population, by the year 2020, 8 billion people will live on earth and by the year 2050, 9 billion people will inhabit the planet. 

Such an increase will bring about an overwhelmingly large usage of the planets resources. This result could bring about massive destruction for humans, animals and the planet.
With solutions to the ever growing population increase, reducing our population to a sustainable level will ensure that all species that inhabit planet earth will have a chance to survive. Solutions to maintaining world population will decrease overcrowding and human poverty. “Solutions to sustaining population growth include: education which warns people about the effects of overpopulation, family planning, sex-education, and health care. These things will allow people to acknowledge the effects of overpopulation, hopefully encouraging world stability.” (Kulkarni)
Overpopulation effects on the environment means big trouble for the earth and the atmosphere. Larger farming practices are being used, along with large amounts of fertilizer. The fertilizer is then washing down into rivers and streams and emptying into the Gulf of Mexico. Fertilizer draining into the Gulf has killed off life. These places are called dead zones. Fishing has also increased do to mass population growth. Over fishing occurs which depletes fish populations within the ocean.
“Around the world, as populations grow, deficiencies in available freshwater supplies are starting to take their toll on already fragile economies, particularly those in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)” (Aidan Luce) Middle East and North Africa countries rely on America and European countries for fresh water. With such a increase in world population, America will not be able to keep up with the massive demand for fresh water and crops. American food exports will no longer be available to other countries because of the great demand for food in there own country. Leaving other countries without crops and water to survive own there own creating poverty and starvation.
Agriculture is a major emitter of greenhouse gases but, as Clive points out in the book Requiem for a Species: "Population growth will make the task of reducing… emissions much harder because food is the first item of consumption humans must have." (Meredith) Greenhouse gases cause climate change which results in climates that were once able to sustain crop growth to become barren. “By 2050 life on this planet will be drastically different from the climate which is already falling to pieces.” (Motyka).
Because of more humans populating the world, more places to live are needed. The need for space, unfortunately, leads forests’ being chopped down for wood and other materials, pastures and land where different animal species live are being torn down resulting in animals becoming endangered and even extinct. Massive pollution from cars, factories, and loads of trash are also causing animals to become endangered and extinct. Pollution on land also causes problems for the soil, making it unable to produce crops.
Many solutions are available to encourage people to help become aware of the risks of overpopulation. If the human population does not become aware of the effects of overpopulation, the earth will be depleted of it’s resources. The next generations will have to suffer if we do not take a step forth and do something about the world population.
A giant step to educating people on the effects of overpopulation is just that: Education. “uneducated people have more penurious children and the whole lack of family planning is due to the stark absence of basic education.”(Kulkarni) Teaching people about the effects of overpopulation allows people to recognize how they can play their part in helping to reduce world population. Increasing sex education and allowing birth control to be available to all will also decrease the risks of overpopulation. “Developing nations and their patriarchs will tell you that owing to an infernally high infant mortality rate and deaths of mothers, they have extra children – just in case.” (Kulkarni) Having health care systems that provide nations who have a high infant death rate will decrease the need for one family to have so many children.
If overpopulation continues, the human population could face major negative changes. Overpopulation will effect everything that inhabits earth and the earth itself. Promoting overpopulation awareness is a key factor in reducing world population. There is only one earth and overpopulation can easily destroy it.



The twentieth century has drawn to a close and civilization faces the dilemma of supporting an overpopulated world. Throughout time, mankind has lived as though there were no consequences for his actions. But now, as people of the future, we see what is happening to the world we live in. Despite our knowledge, these straightforward problems are still being ignored. Our actions in the past have dictated the present, and our actions now will determine our future, and generations to come. We caused the overpopulation problems we are now facing; so we must also be the ones to solve the problems. The link between population growth and environmental impact seems obvious. More people, consume more resources, damage more of the earth, and generate more waste. In the book Earth Odyssey, by Mark Hertzgaard, he quoted Paul Ehrlich’s statement, “The United States is the most overpopulated country in the world” (197). Today’s children are likely to see a tripling of the global population within their lifetimes unless, solutions emerge decreasing population growth. Hertzgaard points out “the world’s population will stabilize at much less than eight billion people, and an eventual total of ten or twelve billion is quite possible” (220). We must take action to save our planet.
One crisis the earth and its inhabitants fear today is lack of resources due to the increasing number of people. Justifications for our path of destruction are; destroy trees for more farmland; excessive consumption of food sources by over harvesting and overgrazing causing barren wastelands; continued use of fossil fuels and chemicals needed for transportation, creation of electricity, and heating our homes; and more people means more homes will be built again
forests and natural habitats of animals. “By 1997 the world’s forests were for the first time, loosing more carbon than they were absorbing” (202). Public awareness and concern for environmental issues need to be integrated into everyday living so, the remaining numbers of plants and animal species continue to exist. It’s crucial we act now as continued extinction of species is a loss no future can cure.
When trying to correct the imbalance created by man, science, and technology, we who have inherited the earth must be adamant about developing cleaner ways of improving productivity, and developing better methods for prevention of births, the root of overpopulation.
On average family size has decreased almost by half “from approximately six children per woman in the late 1960s to three per woman in the late 1990s” (216). Contraceptive technologies are becoming more accessible, affordable, and more widely accepted. Unavailability or access to family planning services and education, continue to exist in many parts of the world. Presently, throughout the developing world, women are having smaller families than their mothers, due to access of birth control pills, condoms, and diaphragms along with methods of sterilization consisting of tubal lingation for women or vasectomy for men.
Even under the low-growth conditions, human numbers will continue to climb for many years, at a slowing rate. An early halt to human population growth will not end human-caused extinctions. If, we continue to over-exploit resources and pollute our environment the world will be an uninhabitable planet for future generations.
The purpose of this paper is to help promote awareness, and focus on the circle of problems contributing to the destruction of the planet.

