

第1个回答  2022-07-31
The two great inventions, computer and Internet, have been developing at a surprising speed in the past half century. At present, a virtual world has been built roughly, which is quite different from the former real one.
In virtual world, by the aid of advanced communicating means, people contact each other wider, more convenient and much cheaper than those in real life. Never could I, a Chinese, imagine that I’m able to talk with my American friend free across the Pacific in traditional society. It seems that the virtual world is smaller than the real one.
What’s more, it’s shown on screen and heard from earpiece rather than being touchable that everything in virtual dimension is possible not to be real, as a famous saying among cyber worms, “Nobody knows you are a dog.” Speech freedom is enough, though, netizens suppose it necessary to keep private matters secret.
What is done can’t be undone in real life, in addition, and yet you can find it possible to revive yourself in computer games and to restore deleted documents in virtual office. What we have done can be rescued in virtual world.
Nowadays, the two dimensions are combined closer and closer. In my opinion, keeping a balance and living a colorful life seems to be our goal.